Working around the hull:
With the plan to splash soon I need to address the final issues with the hull to get ready for bottom paint. A long time ago I sounded the entire hull looking for soft spots or areas of delamination and found one on the rudder. I pulled out the phenolic hammer again and found the spot:
the soft spot circled is about 3" x 5". You might be able to see some dashed lines - these were questionable areas for investigation once it's opened up. For anyone interested in how to check for delamination, here's what I use:
It's just a hammer with a plastic tip (rubber on the other end). Surprisingly hard to find

- it took some serious searching before I found one. Tapping the fiberglass surface with the plastic end will result in a sharp higher pitched sound for solid glass, and will result in a lower pitch dull thud type sound for soft spots or delamination.
I cut the offending area out small pieces at a time and eventually came up with this:
The upper area (brown color) is where the inner glass adhered well to the foam but the outer layer delaminated from the inner. The lower area was a small void in the foam where the glass never adhered at all. No worries! Now time for some (careful!) grinding and blending. I used 407 fairing compound to fill in and build up the voids and built the center area up with glass:
Next up is three layers of 1708 to cover the entire repair area:
as a reference, the repair area size wound up being 16" x 8". Today I sanded and blended:
There's a few spots that need a little filler but the rain thwarted me!