Update from the homefront:
Howdy fellas!
Where to begin? Best probably would be with the big picture - mainly I've been home for 3 weeks now and am just barely feeling human! One week to go then there are going to be big changes. Looks like (as per my previous ranting) starting in November I will have LOTS more time to work on the boat. That's a good thing - I'm considering it semi-retirement (by choice)

Next - Hurricane Dorian. Close call but no damage - to the boat, the house and very little on the island; just some downed trees and lots of leaves, limbs and debris. The bad part was I got trapped (sort of) in Japan and couldn't get home. Long story there involving a Japanese airline (my employer) who's attitude towards my request to leave one day early to take care of my family was "It's just a typhoon, what's the big deal?" That was when Dorian had reached Cat 5 over the Bahamas. Keep in mind that the typhoon that hit Japan last year was the biggest in Japan in over 30 years and was a mid-Cat 1. To say I was a bit peeved is an understatement! My wife and I had a round-robin trip planned for the first week of vacation to visit family out west - I wound up doing that myself since I couldn't get to SC and she couldn't get out. Story for another day
Ok, enough of the non-boat drama, now to the good stuff!
One thing I have been doing in my limited time off is research. Lately I have been really looking at how much plastic waste we generate and have been doing some deep research on plastics in general, especially how they interact with our bodies. We've all heard about BPAs, microplastics, etc., and the harm they do to us. I had planned to use plastic for the under-floor water tanks and since I was going to use polypropylene, which is supposedly food-grade, I figured it was safe.
Turns out it depends on who you ask as to whether it's safe or not. Seems that heat can alter the chemistry of ANY plastic and there's lots of disagreement as to how much heat and for how long before toxins start leaching from the plastic into whatever is in contact. In my case, potable water. Uh-oh! And the tanks, even though under the floor, will be subject to some heat, even if it's only ambient outside temps. Is that enough long-term to cause issues? Opinions seem to vary wildly!
Another potential problem I have been researching (plastic related) has been the durability and longevity of the welds. Any weld in plastic will alter the base molecular structure of the plastic surrounding the weld and I have been worried about whether the welds will hold up long-term (like 10 or more years). It seems nobody knows! I could not find a single article, reference or write-up on the subject. I definitely do not want these tanks leaking over time so after lots of thought I decided against the plastic tanks. So next up, what material to use for the tanks?
I started ordering tools and materials just before coming home and they started arriving soon after I (finally!) got home. The first to arrive was this:
Since I couldn't use them for their intended purposes until everything else arrived I decided to pose for a pic and some lite reading!
More soon!