Restoration of 1981 C-22 swing keel #10580

Feb 14, 2017
Catalina 22 Smithville Lake
Thanks for the replies. We will keep the boat at Paradise Point, Smithville Lake. We have met some very friendly and helpful people from the Paradise Point Yacht Club. As for the larger scuppers, I would think that everything would be enlarged. I will check out the suggested thread.
Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
Hi luke, how did it go with the inspection?
Unfortunately it hasn't happened. I've had to dedicate the majority of my time to Grad School work and I also distracted myself with some minor repairs to a used Achilles Inflatable I just got a few weeks ago. I scored a 2005 10 ft air-floor boat in really good shape with a 2010 Suzuki 6 Hp outboard on it for $1200. I really wanted a Hypalon boat with an air floor because I could for see the issues I would have putting together and then stowing the plywood floor that my Zodiac has. Now I gotta sell the Zodiac after I put in a ton of sweat equity re-glueing the floor and adding some really nice registration numbers from
Anyway, on the C-22 I have the wires for the NAV lights installed into the fore and aft pulpits, drill holes patched and welded (without burning them this time); I just have to do a little touch up finish welding and polish them so I can re-install them. But in a nut shell, I haven't done a thing on 22 in about a month! So I will probably be at least 3 months behind in getting my mooring buoy set up.


Aug 10, 2014
Catalina 22 9874 Newberg, OR / Olympia, WA
Unfortunately it hasn't happened. ... So I will probably be at least 3 months behind in getting my mooring buoy set up.
Sorry to hear that. Both because I'm sorry you'll miss a lot of another sailing season, and because it doesn't bode well for me. If even the mighty CloudDiver is missing his schedule, then I'm pretty much doomed!

On the flip side, finishing grad school is a big accomplishment, and it'll free up more time for boating. I should know - turning in that dissertation made for a VERY good day.
Nov 19, 2008
Catalina C-22 MK-II Parrish, FL
Thanks for the replies. We will keep the boat at Paradise Point, Smithville Lake. We have met some very friendly and helpful people from the Paradise Point Yacht Club. As for the larger scuppers, I would think that everything would be enlarged. I will check out the suggested thread.
Many years ago we kept our first C-22 at Smithville Lake. I was involved with the Paradise Point Yacht Club and served as Rear Commodore before we moved the boat to Clinton Lake. C-22 Fleet-125 was at Smithville Lake, but they've been inactive for many years, Would be easy to get the fleet reactivated. Just takes 3 members and some paperwork.

Feb 14, 2017
Catalina 22 Smithville Lake
Many years ago we kept our first C-22 at Smithville Lake. I was involved with the Paradise Point Yacht Club and served as Rear Commodore before we moved the boat to Clinton Lake. C-22 Fleet-125 was at Smithville Lake, but they've been inactive for many years, Would be easy to get the fleet reactivated. Just takes 3 members and some paperwork.

I would like to do that. I am not sure how soon I will have our boat in the water. I guess that Cloud-diver is still pondering my generous offer to trade, because he has not yet responded.
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Likes: Gene Neill
Feb 14, 2017
Catalina 22 Smithville Lake
Oh well, can't say that I didn't try. Actually, that is my backhanded way of saying you are doing a great job.
Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
Stern Rail is finally polished and back on the boat, bedded with @Maine Sail 's Bed-It Butyl Tape. Before I went through all this hassle I used an inline fuse on gator clips with a battery to make sure the wires were good, didn't melt this time with the insulation sleeve inside. Stern Light and Dinghy Motor Mount all good to go. The Bow Pulpit should be much easier to mount, but I have yet to polish it.
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Likes: ShotgunSlim
Sep 30, 2013
1988 Catalina 22 North Florida
Magnificent work. Looks like you could tow a barge from that rail!

You probably already answered this, but are you planning to incorporate a swim ladder?
Jul 13, 2015
Catalina 22 #2552 2252 Kennewick, WA
gorgeous-- are you going with a traveler on the rail or are you going all in with a Barney Post?
Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
gorgeous-- are you going with a traveler on the rail or are you going all in with a Barney Post?
At this pint I could still go Barney post if I wanted to, buy I already have the track and traveler car to put it on that horizontal rail that I added. Pros and Cons to both; I really tried to set the boat up for potential racing, but the barney post adds more holes in the deck and toe stub hazard. The back rail, the idea was to 'update' to post 86 traveler set-up, but still need to reach behind you to adjust the main sheet. I'm not installing the traveler or the non-skid in the cock-pit until pretty much dead last, so I have time to ponder.
Jul 13, 2015
Catalina 22 #2552 2252 Kennewick, WA
I keep looking at the various options for Harken traveler tracks and thinking I'm going to drill the rail to fit one of their tracks and cars. Curious what they used stock on your later version ( I assume you are post '85 ? )
Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
I keep looking at the various options for Harken traveler tracks and thinking I'm going to drill the rail to fit one of their tracks and cars. Curious what they used stock on your later version ( I assume you are post '85 ? )
My boat is an 82, but the position of the traveler I am going for is the post 85 set up. I used the X bar traveler track and car from CD. Much less expensive than Harken plus (I think, but have to check) the length of the traveler is less than 24 inches, so any stock item you buy is usually 24 and you need to cut it. I hate having to cut aluminum track when it is anodized, especially black. Really no big harm doing that, but it just irks me to ruin the finish on the end. If you buy Ronstan track they come with plastic isolators for the bolt heads so they don't touch the aluminum and I believe you can buy packs of 10 separately. For your boat, without having to add the extra SS bars to the stern rail like I did, I would go with a Barney Post or use mid boom sheeting. Adding an X track or raised T track to the original traveler doesn't do much and is way more difficult. The bar is solid and only 1/2 inch in diameter. The X tracks are designed to nest onto 1 inch diameter tube. I would suggest researching different types of Mainsheet traveler set ups and see if you can build something that suits your needs without having to do a super complex set up. Keep in mind, any traveler set where the track is at the transom will require you to reach behind from the helm position... its not really convenient but manageable. The Capri 22 I've been sailing from the club has a cross cockpit knee knocker. It really doesn't get in the way as much as I'd imagined and puts the mainsheet right in front of you when holding the tiller.
As I mentioned before, I can still go Barney Post if I wanted to, anyone can do that mod at any point. If I could do it over again I would have investigated two other options; 1. rather than adding SS tube to my stern rail I could have made a traveler support arch from G-10 board, kind of like a little spoiler and the track would rest on top. 2. Since I totally repainted the boat, I could have also cut a recess just forward of the cockpit seat hatches and glassed in supports for a teak or composite cross cockpit traveler support.
Ultimately I didn't want to clutter my cockpit... sailboats are always a compromise. I'll just have to get used to reaching back for the mainsheet.


Aug 10, 2014
Catalina 22 9874 Newberg, OR / Olympia, WA

Your thread had dropped off the first page. Gotta remedy that.

I'm starting to think about a keel restoration. It won't make it this spring, but I was about to buy some more epoxy, and that started me thinking about planning supplies for the keel project next fall.

I've skimmed through your process and Stingy Sailor's, and a few other threads here and there. If I understand correctly, you chose to fair with epoxy + low-density filler (e.g. West 105 resin + West 407 filler). Whereas Stingy used polyester. What factors did you consider, and what drove your decision? (Apologies if I missed that somewhere in your close to 40 pages...)

Stingy said he used about 3 gallons of filler, and it looks like polyester is about $50/gal. If I counted right in your posts, you used something like a gallon of epoxy on yours (at ~$125ish/gal including hardener + filler). So somewhat comparable in price, but maybe he needed a lot more volume to repair and fair his? (3 gal vs your ~1 gal resin + .2 hardener + filler)? How much volume does an ounce of 407 filler add? Or, to ask the question another way, how many ounces of 407 would a gallon of resin require, and what would the net volume be (at appropriate densities for keel fairing)? West System's instructions say peanut-butter consistency is about 35% filler by weight, but don't say what that is in volume.

If the cost for epoxy comes out in the same ballpark as polyester, I'd definitely use all epoxy, but if it's 3x the cost, that'll take a little more convincing (obviously, with neat epoxy first to seal the cast iron, and some more at the end to encapsulate everything). Thoughts and recommendations?
Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego

Your thread had dropped off the first page. Gotta remedy that.

I'm starting to think about a keel restoration. It won't make it this spring, but I was about to buy some more epoxy, and that started me thinking about planning supplies for the keel project next fall.

I've skimmed through your process and Stingy Sailor's, and a few other threads here and there. If I understand correctly, you chose to fair with epoxy + low-density filler (e.g. West 105 resin + West 407 filler). Whereas Stingy used polyester. What factors did you consider, and what drove your decision? (Apologies if I missed that somewhere in your close to 40 pages...)

Stingy said he used about 3 gallons of filler, and it looks like polyester is about $50/gal. If I counted right in your posts, you used something like a gallon of epoxy on yours (at ~$125ish/gal including hardener + filler). So somewhat comparable in price, but maybe he needed a lot more volume to repair and fair his? (3 gal vs your ~1 gal resin + .2 hardener + filler)? How much volume does an ounce of 407 filler add? Or, to ask the question another way, how many ounces of 407 would a gallon of resin require, and what would the net volume be (at appropriate densities for keel fairing)? West System's instructions say peanut-butter consistency is about 35% filler by weight, but don't say what that is in volume.

If the cost for epoxy comes out in the same ballpark as polyester, I'd definitely use all epoxy, but if it's 3x the cost, that'll take a little more convincing (obviously, with neat epoxy first to seal the cast iron, and some more at the end to encapsulate everything). Thoughts and recommendations?
Arron, your strategy and supplies should be based on the condition of your keel (how much filler you think you will need).
Problem is, you won't really know the total 'damage' until after sand blasting and at that point you are under the gun to seal the bare cast iron as quickly as possible. My recommendation is that if you know you will use the epoxy for other projects if you have any left over, go with a gallon. It is much cheaper by volume that way.