Repairing boat after Hurricane Zeta


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
SeaTow SeaTow SeaTow !!!!!

What a great job they did!:clap:

They changed boats, once the small tow boat got near the last channel marker.

The bigger new boat with Radar etc, Towed the Saba , with huge fenders on its Starboard and Saba Port side.

They towed about 4 knots and it was great seeing the water streaming off the Saba bow again,

I went for lunch and just got at the Draw bridge when they were moving a few sailboats to the Dry Docks area.
I have videos movies [ not smart phone] that needs editing soon.
From first tow to final Dry Dock lift...

4 hours and 15 minutes
Saba is out of the water now and on jack stands.

The Keel is in great shape, Port side fin slightly bent, no biggie to fix.

Zero water in the cabin. Although SeaTow made provisions for a big hull leak.

Other good news is the Dry Dock owner is good friends with my Son-in-Law. Special Treatment?
They are worried about my new "Jib Flag" that waves in the breeze a little. [see pict 2 on post #1]

I told them would help them haul down the Jib, when they felt too worried.

Sipping on a celebration Beer now!!!!:beer::beer:

End of the fateful voyage that was not [ SS Minnow on a 3 hour tour]:cowbell:

Pictures soon...
Oct 26, 2010
Hunter 40.5 Beaufort, SC
Glad to hear the good news among all the possible things that could have gone wrong. Keep the faith - all will be well in the end.
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Jun 21, 2004
Beneteau 343 Slidell, LA
Happy to hear that y'all are hauled out. Damned, it can sometimes be stressful owning a boat; you def deserved a celebration beer!:biggrin:
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Before long Saba will sail the seven seas again.
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
The Progressive Insurance adjuster will be at the boat on Friday the 13th [ oh no bad date?]:facepalm:
I am getting some storage boxes to off load personal items too.

So, from first claim to adjuster was 17 days.

I expect the inside to be a total mess from the way they lifted the boat into the water [bow down], plus they thought the rudder would leak into the cabin. They confessed they messed up the rear cabin bedding etc.

A lot of pictures to come soon.
Oct 26, 2010
Hunter 40.5 Beaufort, SC
@JamesG161 Best to leave the mess just as it is and only remove only those purely personal items and those things that are not damaged beyond a simple cleaning. Assuming the boat won't be totaled the adjuster may consider the cost of professional cleaning/restoration of things that can be cleaned and some compensation for replacement of things that are damaged beyond restoration or at least some "depreciated" value for some items. Hope the adjuster is familiar with boat issues rather than a "reassigned" adjuster to respond to the increased demand for assessment after a storm. By the way, this is not just a thing Progressive does when there is an increase in demand for adjusters after a storm. Best of luck and let us know how the claim "progresses with Progressive" (pun intended)
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA


walking under a ladder is considered bad luck for largely symbolic reasons. Early Christians believed that the number three was sacred for its connection to the Holy Trinity, and by extension, so was the triangle. When a ladder leans up against a wall, it forms that very shape, and walking underneath it “breaks” the Trinity. Not only was this blasphemous, but it might also attract the Devil himself.:yikes:

And other things to avoid tomorrow.
  • Wow
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
Best to leave the mess just as it is and only remove only those purely personal items and those things that are not damaged beyond a simple cleaning.
The boat was just cleaned on the inside. When cleaning, we put back items in there proper places. Makes it must faster and easier to find again.

So I they do offer a cleaning service, it may take hours to put stuff back correctly.

Thus is the life of limited storage space on a Sailboat.;)

PS: I do not have Triskaidekaphobia! Although to this day, I throw salt over my Left shoulder, say "Bread and Butter" when a black cat crosses, never open an umbrella inside and knock on wood.:pimp:
  • Ha
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
Assuming the boat won't be totaled the adjuster
No way, totaled. She floated to the Dry Docks, all Standing Rigging intact.

In fact, I expect Progressive to renew my insurance next January.

I have a $5000, each event, towing. The originating Agent laughed when I asked for that Add.
He remarked that it is a Sailboat, why would you need towing? You have sails! Just use the winds.
Now who is the smart one?


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
I expect Progressive to renew my insurance next January.
How else are they going to hope to recover the expense. Makes no sense canceling a policy of a good paying customer. Besides they can up the premium and if you are pleased with the service you will gladly pay the exorbitant recovery costs.
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Aug 28, 2006
Bavaria 35E seattle
When time, money, and opportunity present themselves I highly recommend you visit Saba in the Netherland Antilles. One of the most sublimely pleasurable islands of the Caribbean to visit.

On another note, I'm wondering if Progressive has a depreciation clause in your coverage now the boat is 20 years old? Mine does, and I'm considering shopping.

I'm looking forward to more of your posts on Saba's recovery. Fair winds through the process and beyond!
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
How did your date with the adjuster go?
I got a call from Progressive about the Adjuster's first name and so did the Dry Docks.
Then I got a text message and his phone number to answer back.
I called "Dan" back to discuss how this meeting would work.

Dan is a catastrophic event adjuster with a special iPhone, that is restricted.

He brought a special extension ladder that was amazing, and I did not get a picture of it.:mad:
Very easy to board the boat.
He arrived on time, gave me a 30 minute warning so I and my helper would meet him at 10:30am Friday.
He checked in and was given the location of Saba on stands.
Helper, Ron, and Dan were waiting there, when I pulled up at 10:32am.

The review with pictures and damages ended at 1:15pm.
The first Bad News...
The initial lift and then drop back in water made a hole in the bow at the Anchor locker.
The bow went under the water and pushed a salt water "wave" into the interior of the boat,
from that flooding.

That wave barely reached far enough aft to put a bit of salt water under the engine, but not touching the Engine.
I will try to do a drawing of what the adjusting team [3] finally figured out what happen to get salt water way inside.

Anyways the boat is not totaled.
[ Hint: Dan winked a guess at me, his was ≈$10k higher than mine, but I had not seen the interior or a few exterior finds]

The interior fresh water wash down and most interior stuff removal will start Wednesday.

Since no water or power is available, at the moment, at the boat, my team is improvising so we can get it fresh water cleaned on the interior.

The Good News is the interior is designed for humid Salt water environment.:biggrin:
I did get the videos and pictures onto my computer, so I can share more soon.

Onward we go...
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
I'm wondering if Progressive has a depreciation clause in your coverage now the boat is 20 years old? Mine does, and I'm considering shopping.
No depreciation clause.
There is an option to pick how you want to cover your boat.
We picked "Market Value"
That includes upgrades on the boat.

Bank loans for large boats, have a constant depreciation after 20 years.;)

Thus another reason they did not "total" our boat.:)