Repairing boat after Hurricane Zeta

May 17, 2004
Beneteau Oceanis 37 Havre de Grace
I am replacing all of the Seacocks [9] and discovered this.

View attachment 217786

This is a new one.

View attachment 217787

What happened?

The old genset, now gone, had pencil Zinc to protect it.

I found one in the Previous Owners supplies and I changed it, but the PO, never changed it.:facepalm:

Kohler said change every 300 hour of use or 1 per season.

1500 hr of use, when I changed it.

Boat sinking failure waiting to happen.:yikes:

Good thing I am now a Seacock/Thru hull expert since I read this advice.
Seacocks, Strainers & Hose Clamps Archives - Marine How To

New Kohler is now well protected.:biggrin:


PS: Working our way back to new sails soon.

View attachment 217788
Is the generator electrically connected to the seacock? I’m sure the pencil zinc will protect the generator itself, but unless there’s a wire from that to the seacock the seacock won’t be any more protected than before.
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
Before the discovery if I would have put a bonding wire to AC valve, then yes no bronze loss..
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
It as been a while since I updated this thread.

This is what has been happening, so I can get our Sailboat back into the water again.

I am replacing all 10 of my Through Hull valves with Groco's.

7 are done, but the 3 that have a backer plate were missing the Silicon Bronze machine bolts that hold the valves securely to the boat.

The Yard called ME to find this Machine bolts, nuts and washers. :facepalm:

So with the help of my good friend John @jssailem we began the search.

But I finally found the only place that had them.

It is a 2 man warehouse operation in Rhode Island that has almost any Marine Fastener needed.

Fair Wind Fasteners - Finest Quality Marine Grade Fasteners

Ask for Rob, and tell him James referred his business. [ I get no compensation for referring or sales]


The 3 are for Engine, Generator and AC cooling water.

We are replacing 90% of all hoses used on the 10 thru hulls. The 10% not changed were on Lavatory/Head areas.

More info on our progress soon.



SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
What are your chances of getting on the water this season?
Excellent, just in time for Wild Hurricane season. :facepalm:

Once the Thru hulls are done, the Yard will lift the boat with 2 people inside. Sit down to start Engine, Generator, AC etc.

Then back on Stands to do Sails, inside stuff etc.

Target date is late August. :biggrin:



SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
We found 10 Thu hulls on our Boat. The full parts list is very complex so I had to create a Spread Sheet.

Screenshot 2024-07-27 at 10.21.41 AM.png

The "*" shows where I bought the parts from. The Right column say "ok" and the lowest Price.

This site beats all prices normally.

I decided to buy Groco for these reasons.

Groco TriPlate.png

The Admiral loves the ability to use a Ratchet to extend and reach both Macerator discharge valves. :biggrin::biggrin:
Captain Jim is sailing or motoring when she does this. :cool:

We only do the Discharge in approved locations.

May 19, 2013
hunter 34 Pasadena, MD
@JamesG161 I have been very pleased with the responsiveness and the repairs Progressive authorized. I have had three claims, 1 lightning strike, one Named Storm, and another fluke when the mooring shackle came loose at the mooring anchor. In all cases the service and payment was quick and more than fair. After a big storm they sometimes bring in adjusters that may not be all that familiar with boat repairs. That's where its important to make sure you and your repair yard work in concert with the adjuster on presenting necessary repairs, especially if its one of the adjusters brought in just for the storm. I'm sure you already know that but others reading might not be aware of that. With all that being said, I think Progressive was very easy to work with once we cleared the hurtles of making sure the temporary adjuster turned it over to the adjuster that was used to working with our boatyard.

Best of luck with your repairs and keep us all posted. I may be shopping for a new rudder at Foss Foam sometime in future.
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