The Official "What Did You Do To Your Mac Today" Thread!


Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
It's been high 20s and low 30s for a wile now, so getting the "new" boat ready for sailing has been a slow process. I build a fire in the shop and sometimes actually get it warm enough to work out there for an hour or two. brrrrrr.
Today I did get a prop guard fabricated. hardware store 2" wide alum 1/8" thick bent into a hoop and a small chunk of 1" x 1" angle alum stock for the lower brace. ad a couple ss nuts/bolts and wala. prop guard = under $30.00 and still have aluminum left over for the next project. ;)



Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
Looks good!

I think Im posting too many pictures here.. but went sailing today which is notable as its January 1. It was a little chilly but overall a very nice day.


Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
When sailing solo, I like to sit fairly far forward in the cockpit - also puts me near the traveler which gets a lot of use.

I also like a cup holder in that area and pretty much every thing Ive tried ends up getting stepped on and busted. So now Im trying a new idea that so far looks like it might work well.
Picture below shows what I had on the boat. This one has the base busted, the other side had both the base and the upper arms busted from being stepped on. This cup holder would also sometimes catch the jib sheet.

Picture below - I cut off the arms of the cup holder above (the second one already had the arms busted off) and drilled some "horizontal" holes for 5/32 SS cable left over from when I made a new forestay. Also drilled the "vertical" holes that you can see as a black dot on the top of the plastic. I used JB epoxy smeared on the cable and the top hole was also filled with epoxy which I hope forms a plug and keeps the cable contained. It seems strong.

I think I will be able to occasionally step on this - no problem. It also wont catch on the jib sheets.
Nov 30, 2015
MacGregor 26S Lakehills, Tx
I bought two new batteries for Mistress today. I should be able to get them installed tomorrow so I can begin the tedious process of following and replacing the wiring in the hull. Up to now, I have been using a trouble light inside so I can see to clean up. Trying to squirm into the bilge storage spaces was a chore and a half. Amazingly, accessing the rear lazarette was easy; hanging upside down while cleaning old grease, fuel and oil out of it wasn't so easy. My next chore in there will be mounting an underwater light and running the wiring for it. I wish I weighed in at only 140lbs again........



Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
Whipped up a fuel tank support to protect the fiberglass, as well as the bottom of the tank. made from clear cedar and then oiled.
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Nov 30, 2015
MacGregor 26S Lakehills, Tx
This came in today!
It'll replace the old compass which was cracked, crazed, and had no oil inside the casing.



Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
This is the cup holder in the back where I sit for motoring that I finished yesterday (just in front of the outboard well). This cup holder had been stepped on so many times that just the plastic back plate was left. I like this spot to keep a drink and same as before, its 5/32 ss cable.

Also in the picture below is the drain in the back of the cockpit. This restricts water flow a bit but in all the years of sailing this boat, I have never had water come into the cockpit. I put that cover over the drain after watching the lid from a gatoraid bottle go through the drain and nearly get stuck. This drain has been just like this for maybe 7 years now. I think the four standoff pieces that the SS drain grate sits on are 1/4 inch thick AL that were JB epoxied. No problem in all these years.

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Dec 17, 2015
Macgregor 26 Classic, Swing Keel (26-S) Dog River, AL
I was up top today trying to determine what diameter forestay I have in my CDI II roller furling. It appears I have a 5/32 cable.
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Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
I was up top today trying to determine what diameter forestay I have in my CDI II roller furling. It appears I have a 5/32 cable.
Hummph. I always heard that the masts could be easily lowered on those there Macgregors. ;)

I've been in some pretty high places
mick 026.jpg
but _I_ ain't climbing up no stink-ing mast. NOooooo way. ;)

Dec 17, 2015
Macgregor 26 Classic, Swing Keel (26-S) Dog River, AL
Sorry if that looked a bit misleading! I have a 40' man-lift for working on our elevated home on the River. In the first picture you can see my feet in the basket. The second picture is looking towards the River.



Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
I just hope SBO isn't regretting making it so easy to post pictures here by now LOL.. thanks again!!!
Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
I just hope SBO isn't regretting making it so easy to post pictures here by now LOL.. thanks again!!!
Only those of us suffering under the tyranny of limited bandwidth. ;)
Dec 17, 2015
Macgregor 26 Classic, Swing Keel (26-S) Dog River, AL
Ordered my parts this morning for installing a Johnson lever under my roller furling. I am not going to raise my forestay or sidestays up the mast as others have done. My new main sail has been ordered and when I order my new headsail it will be made to accommodate the shorter luff distance caused by raising the furler. With my baggy main and my ill fitting headsail (a 135 for a M) I am already sailing within 3/10's of hull speed. Yea!!!
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Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
Got my new Garmin 43dv set up in the boat today. new folding mount made out of a piece of Plum wood that I've been hoarding since cutting the tree down about 20 years ago.
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