Restoration of 1981 C-22 swing keel #10580

Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
now ya got me thinkin' again as I look at your stainless handrail...maybe I'll lose the teak afterall...
The big pain in the butt with those is having to build up an epoxy foot for them to rest on, but thats only if you want them pushed outboard on top of the curved drip rail. I did that to clear the 'deck' space for the lines led aft. If you were to install them on the flat part where old handrails were it would be much, much easier, but less room for lines. At the end of the day I think any C22 owner can easily get away with two lines on each side rather than three.
May 23, 2016
Catalina 22 #12502 BSC
Luke...which 4 to route aft if I go that route....and what addn'l 2 (total of 6) as you are doing?

Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
Luke...which 4 to route aft if I go that route....and what addn'l 2 (total of 6) as you are doing?

Main and jib Halyard on opposite sides takes up two, those are for sure.
I'll route the Boom Vang tension through another and then have a Spinnaker Halyard, scratch two more.
Last two, Single Line Reefing and then probably a Cunningham.
Jul 13, 2015
Catalina 22 #2552 2252 Kennewick, WA
love the aggressive look of those windows! As usual: outstanding results.
Mar 20, 2015
C&C 30 Mk1 Winnipeg
I will swing by Home Depot today to check out door sweeps. I will probably use the 3M VHB (very high bond tape) because I have plenty of it for the windows. That 3M tape is what they use to hang huge glass windows on buildings. You can buy the same stuff at the hardware store, its the grey double sided 3M 'outdoor tape'.
Thanks ! That's the products I like learning about.
Though, stuff like that can sometimes be a pain to find/buy locally here.
It took me a while to find a place that sold 3M Kapton tape, for electronics, in a single roll for a reasonable price, locally. I wonder if the same guys have 3M products for other markets.

I'd like to continue with more certifications, maybe get my Captain's license someday. The membership at the club is $45 each month, but as long as I rent a boat at least once a month that $45 is applied to the to the rental. So I can go take out a Capri 22 anytime I was for $30 for a half-day.
Sheesh.. at that price just rent a boat instead of fixing yours ;)
Seriously though, that's a great way to get your sailing fix while working on your 22.

Certifications are a great benefit if taught well. I love taking them and suggest them all the time.
OTOH, years ago when hanging out with the staff of a well known BVI charter company on the Willie T, in the off season, I was asked if I knew how companies really checked if you could charter a boat. They then asked if I had a credit card, and checked my pulse. hehe. Not far from the truth at all either.

Fantastic looking windows !
With the frame gone it's looks like a different boat.
Too bad the teak is missing ;)
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Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
Roy, I got my 3M tape from Amazon. From any hardware store its about $8 US for a small roll that only comes in 3/4 inch width. For these windows I needed a much longer roll and a narrower strip. I believe the rolls I got were 15 feet and only 3/8 wide. This stuff is so strong you don't need a very wide strip, especially when you have a secondary adhesive that will actually do the real work. Of course, as I discovered it doesn't bond well to cured silicone, but it sticks like made to anything else 'clean'.... plastic, glass, metal, fiberglass, whatever as long as it clean and smooth. Each roll of 15 feet did the two windows on one side with just a bit left over and the narrower stripers will pull nice rounded corners (but not too tight). Search Amazon for '3M VHB tape' and you will find a bunch of it in different sizes all the way up to bulk rolls.
Mar 20, 2015
C&C 30 Mk1 Winnipeg
I found "scotch 3m outdoor mounting tape" locally, which I assume is the same stuff.
Looks similar to the type we use to mount moldings and logos on cars, but cheaper and wider. (1")

I hate buying stuff online. Hard to return. Can't have it NOW.
We get screwed in Canada with a much smaller selection of stuff online that ships to the home at a semi reasonable price. Even when our dollar was at par with the USD.
Much of the time, many of us end up buying online stuff and get it shipped free to the border, and pick it all up next time we're down there.
It's the shipping over the border that both retailers and customers get screwed on here. For example..You can buy tires at tire rack cheaper, than what wholesalers sell to dealers here
Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
Sorry for no pictures from this weekend. I had a bunch of Grad School homework to do so I had limited time to work on the boat. I did manage to have a friend come over and give me a hand re-installing the rub rail channel. I used a bead of 3M 4000 UV that I put on the boat surface first, then bedding the rail into it. That's where an extra set of hands is critical to prevent a mess. I got pretty good squeeze out; not too much waste but there are some areas where I might not have gotten enough. I did tape off the top and bottom edge so I didn't have any mess, but I will follow up with a razor blade. In some areas I may add a bead on the top edge to fill in where there are gaps between the visible squeeze out. Over all I'm happy and I doubt there will be any water intrusion behind the channel that will cause corrosion between the aluminum and the stainless screws. One I get the rub-rail insert put back in then she will almost be a complete boat. Next up I will focus on getting the bow and stern pulpits re-installed.
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Aug 16, 2016
Catalina C22 Panama City, Fl
Was your old channel the narrow or wide and how did you bend it around the corners? I have a small section at the starboard corner transom that got kinda shmushed. If i can't raise it to be useful replacement may be in the future project list.



Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
Was your old channel the narrow or wide and how did you bend it around the corners? I have a small section at the starboard corner transom that got kinda shmushed. If i can't raise it to be useful replacement may be in the future project list.

I used the original channel, so it was already shaped. It is the original narrow channel like yours. I had to clean off a considerable amount of the white, chalky, and very hard calcified corrosion... it was a tedious task. You channel does not look as bad, I don't see any of that bi-metal corrosion behind the screw heads. That dent in the channel is very minor, use a blunt flat-blade screwdriver or similar tool to lightly bend the lip back into shape before you remove it to do the gelcoat repairs.
I did a lot of research into replacement rub-rails. There are tons of products out there and some with plastic channels that might work well on a C22. At the end of the day it was just more economical to clean up my original channels and get the replacement insert from Catalina Direct for $90.
Aug 16, 2016
Catalina C22 Panama City, Fl
Thanks. More info to add to the ever growing knowledge base. I am hoping to only need just the vinyl insert and not have to replace the channel.

Its good to watch you guys getting such great results. Very encouraging.

Aug 16, 2016
Catalina C22 Panama City, Fl
Come on details!! What is your technique, any special or homemade tools, heat guns??

By the way your boat looks great !! Better than new!!

Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
Come on details!! What is your technique, any special or homemade tools, heat guns??

By the way your boat looks great !! Better than new!!

Heat gun at first just on the port stern section and around the corner. Place the top edge in first and used a large flat blade screwdriver to push up and in on the bottom edge a half inch at a time, all while pulling with the left hand to keep a short length under some tension.
Its not a super hot day but the sun was out strong so I uncoiled all the strip all way around the boat to get all the twist out. I let it lay out for a couple hours in the sun and it softened up to the point where I didn't need the heat gun. It is quite tiring and I would only do a few feet and take a break. I only have the port side done and I'll do the rest tomorrow. Its also ket to have a rubber mallet and serve the insert after you set it in to help it fully seat. Light but firm taps and many, many of them.
Jun 9, 2004
Catalina 385 Marquette. Mi
Ha!! Grey rub rail.....gorgeous. I found VERY hot water and suds was helpful.
Aug 16, 2016
Catalina C22 Panama City, Fl
Heat gun at first just on the port stern section and around the corner. Place the top edge in first and used a large flat blade screwdriver to push up and in on the bottom edge a half inch at a time, all while pulling with the left hand to keep a short length under some tension.
Its not a super hot day but the sun was out strong so I uncoiled all the strip all way around the boat to get all the twist out. I let it lay out for a couple hours in the sun and it softened up to the point where I didn't need the heat gun. It is quite tiring and I would only do a few feet and take a break. I only have the port side done and I'll do the rest tomorrow. Its also ket to have a rubber mallet and serve the insert after you set it in to help it fully seat. Light but firm taps and many, many of them.
That's what I'm talkin bout. Blow by blow. Very cool and thank you very much. You have no idea how encouraging and enlightening your attention to detail is to those of us who aspire to your level of perfection.

Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
Quick Tip... 3M 4000 UV will last at least a week partially used in the tube (caulk gun size tube) if you put a long deck screw down the tip, wrap the end up in cling-wrap, and store it in the fridge. Last weekend I used 3/4 of the tube when re-installing the rub-rail channel and saved the rest. This weekend I wanted to use up the rest of the tube and was happy that the storage in the fridge kept it fresh. I was able to bed the swim ladder, rudder gudgeons, motor mount, and up front the anchor roller/stem fitting with what was left in the tube. Everything is bedded on the transom now except for the cock-pit scuppers, I'm waiting on my step wrench in the mail to install those.
I didn't finish the port side rub-rail insert yet, LOL... I'll try to knock out a few feet while its still warm, sun will down in about an hour. It might be hard to see in the pic, but the swim ladder is polished to near mirror. That was a buffing kit that I got from Caswell Inc. that puts polishing wheels on a standard 4 inch grinder. Works wonders but is time consuming. Worth it for that shine eh?