Funny Friday!!!


Aug 18, 2015
Currently Boatless Okinawa
-Will ("a little embarrassed by this", Dragonfly)
You should be.

Constructing COUCHE puns without a CRUMB of shame, you SIFTy BATARD, so LAME. DOUGH I give you credit, they run the KAMUT, and show you have a FICELLE mind. Is it POOLISH to admit I enjoyed them?

Man I miss European bread.
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
You should be.

Constructing COUCHE puns without a CRUMB of shame, you SIFTy BATARD, so LAME. DOUGH I give you credit, they run the KAMUT, and show you have a FICELLE mind. Is it POOLISH to admit I enjoyed them?

Man I miss European bread.
Many likes :clap:

-Will (Dragonfly)


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
Ladle Rat Rotten Hut

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"Armor goring tumor groin-murder's," reprisal ladle gull. "Grammar's seeking bet. Armor ticking arson burden barter an shirker cockles."


PS: Little Red Ridding Hood
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Likes: Will Gilmore


Dec 15, 2006
Catalina 310 44 Campbell River BC
Well another "JOB" down the drain!!!
Got fired from "Pet Smart"... seems my attempt to enlighten the "Work Site Day", didn't go so well...
Derick was a little upset at my antic's...
I bought these "COOL" Japanese Hamster Buns and took some to work...
Well i brought one out while we were cleaning the Cages, and ate it in front of Derick, he got really emotional for some reason, i consoled him but that didn't help much...
Same day i got my "Associate of the Month" Award too..
Then i was FIRED!!!!!
Looking for Work...Anybody Hiring ???