Restoration of 1981 C-22 swing keel #10580

Jul 13, 2015
Catalina 22 #2552 2252 Kennewick, WA
Hey Luke-- do I recall correctly that when you upgraded your forestay fittings that you Added a layer of ply to the underside of the forepeak as opposed to digging out the original ply from underneath and replacing with new? Strategizing about what's next for mine:

Jun 15, 2016
Catalina 22 Lake Thunderbird
Luke, maybe you should've started a new thread titled:
Restoration of the photos taken for the forum thread 'Restoration of 1981 C-22 swing keel #10580'.
Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
Hey Luke-- do I recall correctly that when you upgraded your forestay fittings that you Added a layer of ply to the underside of the forepeak as opposed to digging out the original ply from underneath and replacing with new? Strategizing about what's next for mine:
Yes, I used the new stye fitting from CD that has a tang going down the bow and I also added two layers of thin plywood to the inside with epoxy.
Yours looks pretty nasty, but that might just be flaky paint. It would be up to you on how you approach this after you clean that up and determine what you have left to work with. The plywood that was present in my forepeak wasn't rotted, so after a good sanding I just added layers to it. Realistically, if you have enough scrap fiberglass and epoxy you could easily laminate in several layer and it would be just as strong.
Jul 13, 2015
Catalina 22 #2552 2252 Kennewick, WA
Many thanks —. Yep , eerily reminiscent of the checked / compromises ply I pulled out of the companionway step. Should be fun as usual :)
Mar 20, 2015
C&C 30 Mk1 Winnipeg
Luke,might be too late, but I'd suggest that you upload the images instead of linking to them. That way they are on SBO's servers instead of some hostign site that may go down or change their terms.
I've had to deal with photo sites going out of business over the years, and it sucks. When they switch to a different business model, and make it difficult to migrate away from their platform, it's a real PITA.

The paint blistering issue sounds weird. Ever get time to talk to interlux ? I'll be finishing painting my 16 ft sailboat this spring, in prep for selling it. It already has its first coat of brightsides.
Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
Luke,might be too late, but I'd suggest that you upload the images instead of linking to them. That way they are on SBO's servers instead of some hostign site that may go down or change their terms.
I've had to deal with photo sites going out of business over the years, and it sucks. When they switch to a different business model, and make it difficult to migrate away from their platform, it's a real PITA.

The paint blistering issue sounds weird. Ever get time to talk to interlux ? I'll be finishing painting my 16 ft sailboat this spring, in prep for selling it. It already has its first coat of brightsides.
Yup, thats what I'm doing; directly uploaded. Luckily the pics were already reduced in size after downloading them back from photobucket, so less work. I'm up to about page 25 now.
Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
May 2018 update.... Sorry I haven't been around much this last month. I need to continue uploading the 'replacement' photos to complete the visual repair on this thread. Over this holiday weekend I should have some time to knock that out.
The good news is... about 2 months ago I got a promotion/new job... I still work for the DoD, but in a totally different office and at a higher pay grade. I hated my old job with a passion (long story), and those of you that may have been in the Military or Federal Civil Service (or both) know what I mean when I say there is very fine line between 'quitting' and getting a 'promotion'. Anyway, new job is GREAT; awesome team, good environment, MUCH LESS STRESS! Bonus is I get to see F-18's every day! Happiness level is way up, but I have been super busy. I've been working a major side project since NOV of last year... just getting rid of clutter in my home, getting rid of STUFF that I don't need, some minor remodel jobs (master bath needed new shower door), and basically getting my domestic life a little more orderly. Let me tell you, after 20 years of somehow collecting all this 'stuff' that has just piled up it is a very liberating feeling to get rid of possessions that just don't add value to your life (and drain value from your wallet). The Plus side is, I have identified a TON of 'stuff' that is worth $$$ and will be sold on flea-bay or creeps-list. How does this relate to Sailing? Someday I want to be ready to pack up and go cruising... quickly. A big house full of useless 'stuff' won't be fun to deal with when I'm chomping at the bit to go adventuring. So I am gradually reducing my 'footprint' so I will be ready to go on short notice.... besides, no one really needs all that 'stuff' anyway!
May 23, 2016
Catalina 22 #12502 BSC
Luke, good on you, the new job and new priorities, hope to see you on the water soon, as well as your "repaired" great thread!

Jun 15, 2016
Catalina 22 Lake Thunderbird
"The Plus side is, I have identified a TON of 'stuff' that is worth $$$ and will be sold on flea-bay or creeps-list. "

'Flea-bay', 'creeps-list', love it!


May 23, 2017
Catalina Jaguar 22 Simons Town
"The things you own end up owning you." - Tyler Durden ;)
And ain't that the truth!... the bigger the garage or the more the cupboards the more crap gets "stored just in case". It takes a brave person to go through stuff and say it must go...
Apr 11, 2017
Catalina C22 Solomon's Island, MD
Whoa.. that would scare the sh*t out of me - but it's basically just the losing altitude part that makes me nervous. Really neat though.. If I was a cat, I'd be all over that. Great video--
Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
I guess this thread has officially become a cliffhanger........
Haha, I see what you did there... Really though, I have new motivation to get my shop cleaned out and overhauled. I had want to grind the floors (epoxy is old and discolored) and go with polished concrete. I never got my A$$ in gear to gut the shop, but I did put some of my big equipment in storage. Anyway, I have friends visiting around the holidays so I'm on a mission to get the shop back in order, we will probably be doing some boat related work in there. So once I get that done the C22 will back inside for final interior work. I need her in the water by spring because I am selling my old truck. Right now I have a diesel VW that gets 42 mpg; about the year I need to haul out for bottom paint is probably when I'll upgrade to a diesel Dodge 1500 or similar.
Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
Well Gents, I really hate to say this but I am giving very serious thought to selling the boat. I'm not very fond of the idea since the boat is about 90% complete and I haven't even sailed it since before the restoration.
Here is the short story: I have a business to run and its dominating my time, in addition to my full time career. I know that I'm going to want a bigger boat anyway, so I'm not so interested in investing any more time or mooring fees into this boat when I know that I'd sell it next season anyway. I'm working on an early retirement in the next 5 years and I'd like to be ready to live-aboard at that time.

If you want to see what I've been up to in the Boat world, my business is called Kraken Structures and I'm on Facebook.

For anyone who might be interested, or know anyone who is, feel free to PM me. How much? Just look at it this way, everything on this boat is new except the original hull, keel and spars. Anything that is original has been totally rebuilt. New equipment includes all Sails (plus one used North Sails 3DI Genny), 4 Andersen winches, Tohatsu Sail Drive, all Running Rigging, all hardware, and almost every single upgrade in the C-D catalog for this boat plus a few I created myself (Lexan frameless windows).

What needs finishing? I haven't installed the new electrical, but all major components are there. Some Hardware needs bolting down. There isn't anything new about the interior cushions, all original in their 1982 glory. I guess at this point all the real 'dirty work' is done; no sanding, grinding, epoxy, fiberglass, paint or the like is left to do.

All the running gear on the trailer has less than 500 miles on new axles, hubs, wheels, tires, springs. The trailer is ready to deliver the boat anywhere in the USA 48 or even Canada.

Well... lets see where this goes. I could change my mind, I dunno. I desperately need the space in my shop for new (bigger) tools. I may be listing on flea-bay or other classified. I got so much going on I can't get ahead.