Victoria 18' ?


Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
Well. he went and forced me to buy it :) . The more things I pointed out wrong with it the more his price went down until I just couldn't stand it anymore and said "OK". ;) . It needs all new running rigging the worst, but other than that it could sail today. however…. it does need some tlc on the white upper surfaces which have been painted in the distant past and is now failing. arrggggg. I HATE seeing paint on any boat, especially when it's done this poorly. At least the yellow (oem) jel coat and anti-foul coating are both in great shape. the wood needs major refinishing, trailer bunks could stand to be replaced. mostly just more stuff like this that can be done over time, but won't affect the sailing schedule very much. overall the trailer and tires/bearings are all great as is. The important stuff like fiberglass/core integrity and hardware condition is all really solid. sails (3) are in good to very good condition, etc. so no worries there. Can't wait to get it in the water and start playing with it. it sure gets lots of attention on the road and every place we were parked today on the trip home.
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
It's not a Montgomery but you will have lots of fun with her. 2 boats. You are really hooked.



Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
Going to need yet one more boat shed.. LOL.. Looks like huge fun!!!


Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
It's not a Montgomery but you will have lots of fun with her. 2 boats. You are really hooked.

Nope, not a Montgomery, but also 1/6th of the price of one ;) Psssstttt. don't tell anyone, but there are actually 4 sailboats now. 2 will hopefully be going away soon however.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Best of luck keeping it quiet.


Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
Going to need yet one more boat shed.. LOL.. Looks like huge fun!!!
I just measured and the Vic will go in the garage where the 14.2 Capri is currently, as long as I store the mast on the trailer like it is now. when the Capri goes away I'll see if I can't finagle a way with the mast stashed topside. I still need to build a mast crutch for the Vic anyway, so low profile will be in the design criteria ;) .


Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
Is the Victoria the one which has cocpit floor drains up forward in the cockpit floor with the drains cris crossing one another underneath the cockpit floor to the thru hull drains.
@Crazy Dave Condon
Yes. I was just there yesterday, as one side is plugged up. looks like oem, corrugated plastic hose :yikes:. I'll be swapping that for something a bit more robust.
I set the mast, and rigged everything, so I could see what length running rigging I need to order. everything made of rope will be replaced. all the standing rigging looks really good. I would normally just replace standing rigging as a precaution, but this must have already been done not too long ago :thumbup: .
I'll keep this thread alive whenever I run across interesting information on the little craft, for those who might be searching the interweb. Very impressed with her construction so far, and happy with condition. hope to be on the water before too long.
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
She looks great Russ. Like the colors of the gennaker/asymmetrical.


Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
She looks great Russ. Like the colors of the gennaker/asymmetrical.

Yup. I'm real happy at the condition of all the sails. of course I had looked at them at time of purchase, but it's hard to really see the condition until they actually go up the pole, which I couldn't do during purchase (mast lashed to trailer).
Looking for a name for her. maybe "a Bugs Ear" cause it's so dang cute :laugh: Jennifer is voting for "Tweety" :)

Todays project involved fabricating a rear mast crutch. it was a bit of a challenge due to the lack of grugions and the angle of the transom etc. The po had added a backstay for unknown reasons (none used from factory), so I used his backstay mount along with the two motor mount bracket pins to triangulate a base for the crutch. uses quick pins to hold it in place when trailering. the main upright consists of slip tubes with a push pin lock so it can be raised or lowered as desired.

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Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
Wile looking at another thread about sail numbers it occurred to me: why is my sail number so high when there were only about 600 of these boats built? then it hit me. Sail number 79230 must be: built in 1979 (it was) and number 230 in the series. Do any other manufactures use this format ?
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Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
Progress report: Today I finished cleaning up the yellow part of the hull. I first went over it with 1500 and 2000 wet paper from end to end, then a quick buff with Presta cutting compound, then a good coat of wax. Could not be happier with the results. photo below shows it dry as a bone. no water needed for this shine ;) .

I've also R&R the winches and cleaned/lubed them so they can now be turned without a breaker bar; fabricated and installed a mast support for the nose; built an adjustable support for the tiller so it sits higher; asked the local graphics shop to get started on the replacement "Victoria Eighteen" decals for the sides and one for the rear that says "Tweety". Also put in a BIG order for all new [everything made of rope].
Inch by inch…. and we'll be sailin' before you know it :)
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Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
Update: Today I got all the teak refinished with Cetol and re-installed it. then polished the brass and other shiny bits etc. , and took her down to the graphics shop to have them install the new "Victoria Eighteen" graphics on the sides and her new name on the stern.
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I may have figured out how to solve the problem many folks have with the lack of new sailors entering the sport. just buy a Vic 18 and park it near a busy roadway. It took me over an hour to get out of the graphics shop parking lot due to the people pulling in wanting to know all about the boat. Several were already sailing, wile others were just interested to know more about it.
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Just like a Walmart Greeter. The sailboat whisperer. :kick:



Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
The maiden voyage yesterday went well. there could have been a bit more wind, but small steps are good also I recon' ;) .
We were up at 5:15AM and headed out the door by 6:00 . Arrived at the marina by 7:45 after stopping for a bite to eat on the way. Set up time from arrival at the ramp to splash was under 20 minutes. what a treat! and the launch itself was just as easy. had to back in an extra foot or two beyond where I stop with the Mac, but the hip waders kept my feet dry during off-loading and Tweety happily slid into the water with a big "ahhhh".
We spent the day putting around the lake (sometimes under sail, sometimes under power of the Minn Kota 40) waiting for the better wind conditions that never came, but still had a great time on the water, and found a nice secluded cove with a shade tree to put our picnic basket under for lunch.
After lunch Jennifer stayed on shore and took photos wile I sailed around our little cove in 3kt wind. there would have been some great photos of that, had my camera been placed in auto-focus :( . Oh well, we'll just have to get back out again soon for some better sailing photos. The good part of that event was that I discovered that the Vic points real well, and is sure light on her feet. at least in light wind.
We got home around 7:00 PM dog tired but smiling. all-in-all a great day and a successful maiden voyage. we're very happy with the little yellow bird ;)
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
She looks great Russ. 2 feet of draft looks like she can be run up nearly to the beach. That boat is going to give you a lot of fun this summer. What lake?
Tweety? Seems I remember a cat and bird cartoon from the 50-60's - Sylvester and "Tweety"?
May your summer winds make her fly.


Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
Thanks John. We went to Lost Creek reservoir yesterday, which is our largest local lake (3430 acres).
Yup. Tweety seems apropos given that she's a bit devilish, yet good hearted down deep…. and yellow ;) .
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Know the area. Went by there when I was driving up to Crater Lake after leaving Grants Pass a couple of years ago. Very pretty area.
If you get the bug to head our way, let me know. We have a couple of nice lakes she would have fun sailing. Detroit, and Green Peter come to mind.


Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
Travel to other Oregon lakes was part of our goal when we purchased the Mac 25, but we've been having so much fun boat-camping and sailing nearby that we haven't ventured out very far as yet. We do hope to do some traveling soon, however, so we'll definitely give you a holler when we get up your way. :)
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