Frank Arndorfer
think it through
One gent early on wrote how pilots say "any landing that you walk away from is a good one."That's thought provoking.I've been flying airplanes for 27yrs. And another popular saying is "take-offs are optional but landings are mandatory."I use this process every time I go out. Before untying lines I make a mental plan of how I'm going to get back in. If conditions are such that I cannot figure out a "landing plan", then I leave the lines tied.I realize that many times conditions are different. Unfamiliar dock, changed wind/wave conditions, etc. But I've always found prior planning to be prudent. Think it through before charging into the dock.As our friends in ATC always say..."we've got a perfect record. We haven't left one up there yet."Every sail eventually terminates with a docking. It's up to the skipper to determine how that happens.Lots of good advice given in the posts.
One gent early on wrote how pilots say "any landing that you walk away from is a good one."That's thought provoking.I've been flying airplanes for 27yrs. And another popular saying is "take-offs are optional but landings are mandatory."I use this process every time I go out. Before untying lines I make a mental plan of how I'm going to get back in. If conditions are such that I cannot figure out a "landing plan", then I leave the lines tied.I realize that many times conditions are different. Unfamiliar dock, changed wind/wave conditions, etc. But I've always found prior planning to be prudent. Think it through before charging into the dock.As our friends in ATC always say..."we've got a perfect record. We haven't left one up there yet."Every sail eventually terminates with a docking. It's up to the skipper to determine how that happens.Lots of good advice given in the posts.