Great to see all the kids that return to the nest for a holiday sail, Jon. We did the same thing over the weekend. Thanks for posting those photos. There's always sailing in your forum.View attachment 166822
they all started sailing in diapers
Wow, that is a heartwarming report, oldest daughter lives 3 miles down the road on bay shore drive in sturge. 3 grandkids, 10, 7, 3. i gave her my stash 1969 cal 20 in top condition. i made a mooring out of a 100 year old parlor steam radiator that i had for just such a purpose. 100 ft of heavy chain, mooring float, bridle, and pickup buoy. placed it 50 yards off her beach. now every time they look out the window they know they can go sailing today. i took the new crew out three days in a row and ran them all through many drills so to get their sea legs ready and off they went for the summer.
many reports from friends came in that the young mother with little kids was seen sailing about the bay. spinnaker flying too. you got to work those kids. gave them a lung powered horn to blow salutes at every passer by. there is an engine well but i gave them no engine. i did give them a paddle. i gave them a bean bag chair for down below cause as you all may well know the three year old naps a lot with the easy motion of sailing.
Holy cow!!! That is a big rainbow! Makes you wonder how many 'record' fish have been eaten with no idea.i have fished in and around sturgeon bay for over 60 years now. i do not fish much anymore,but my love of eating FRESH fish is still a alive. two of my nephews were in town in september and are aware of my skills. they asked me if i would take them fishing. i told them that if they did the work i would drive. i used our 23' shamrock inboard with down riggers. the. septenber is northern pike season in the bay. the fish have left the shallows for deeper colder waters. i know their habits. with a southerly wind we trolled the deep spots just off of drop offs. in four hours we had landed 5 nice big pike. the biggest around 12 lbs. yummy. i love pike. i suggest that we start heading home but would like to troll a deep tung that dead ends into the shallows then bring in the gear. well, another fish on. big tussel. jumping, fighting hard, all over the place, not a pike. 15 minutes of careful angling then we got her in the box. salmon, no, steelhead, no, german brown, no, we had a real rainbow trout. wow, never caught one in the bay before, what a beauty. so home we went. i have a cheap hand fish scale at home and weighed the trout, 12 1/2 lbs. we cleaned all the fish and had a big feast with lots of family and friends. fresh wild fish is the best eating in the world. everyone was fat and happy. leftovers for fish sandwiches the next day too
about 3 weeks later for the fun of it i looked up the state record for rainbows, 12.3, what? we may have eaten the state record, who knew
it was very tasty as was the pike.
Well for me it was a couple of weeks ago vintage racing my 1970 Porsche 914/6 GT. Photos below... The Six is in the mix with all that Big American Iron. ...occasionally get to race against some Shelby Cobras. ...they are amazing and oh that noise! As for the movie, it is GREAT! ...saw it last night.when was the last time you had a hot car in a 4 wheel drift, power on in a tight turn?