Thanks for all the helpful advice! I'm spending money like no one's business getting this boat in shape and can certainly save $ by skipping the washdown, the windlas, the 12-volt refrig, the wifi booster and the outboard on the dinghy. I recall my parents made the trip in 1980 on a Newport 30 with none of those fancier provisions. They had a hard dinghy with paddles.
I hear I really need 2 anchors. Where do I stow them in an O'Day 28? I have a single anchor locker on the bow that fits one. Do I mount the 2nd one somehow on the stern pulpit? When I deploy 2 anchors and quit swinging with the tides and wind how do I account for other boats nearby that may have just one anchor and be more likely to swing? I guess by having clear space between us but one cannot always count on that being available.
I hear I really need 2 anchors. Where do I stow them in an O'Day 28? I have a single anchor locker on the bow that fits one. Do I mount the 2nd one somehow on the stern pulpit? When I deploy 2 anchors and quit swinging with the tides and wind how do I account for other boats nearby that may have just one anchor and be more likely to swing? I guess by having clear space between us but one cannot always count on that being available.