eye candy


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
We have discussed the issue of "Nautical Terms" and the importance in using the proper terms in communication on a boat.

This got me to wondering. Would they sound the same when being shouted by an Italian Skipper?
Or be "Lost in Translation"?
Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
We have discussed the issue of "Nautical Terms" and the importance in using the proper terms in communication on a boat.

This got me to wondering. Would they sound the same when being shouted by an Italian Skipper?
Or be "Lost in Translation"?
Forte, Forte! Ballisimo!
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Likes: jssailem
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
I really like the looks of 'Northern Crown'. I'm a sucker for double-enders. My boat design, however will have a fantail stern. Something very nautical about smooth curves instead of hard corners and flat surfaces.

-Will (Dragonfly)
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
Jon, tell us about the fellow with the pipe. I want to 'like' it because it's a good picture, but there are powerboats on his otherwise beautifully colorful shirt.

-Will (Dragonfly)