Cam cleats for jib sheets??

Nov 8, 2010
Beneteau First 36.7 & 260 Minneapolis MN & Bayfield WI
Little late to this thread, but my C310 cam with a jam cleat for the main sheet and that was OK unless you were single handing, then in most winds it would pop out. As Catalina had a really nice aluminum plate that the jam cleat was tapped in, what I did was make a 2-piece rig of starboard and moved the cleat up (that also helped the angle) and then added a jam cleat just aft of that that was also raised up so it lined up with the sheet coming out of the jam cleat. Now a quick snap of the wrist and the main sheet can be pulled in and out and under really heavy loads the jam cleat takes the load.
Hmm. With a properly sized line in good (non stiff) condition, I find clam-cleats to be much superior in holding than cams. And much much less likely to fail. The best have captive line holders built in.

Sep 29, 2008
Catalina 310 #185 Quantico
Hmm. With a properly sized line in good (non stiff) condition, I find clam-cleats to be much superior in holding than cams. And much much less likely to fail. The best have captive line holders built in.
Jackdaw, Correct on all points. I feel with my rig I have the best of both worlds. In light winds the cam cleat does the job and in heavier winds the jam cleat will tend to take up the load, or we wind up using the self-tailing winch that is there. Only problem with captive line holders is I would not be able to snap the mainsheet loose when I am single handing which would be about 98% of the time.


Oct 23, 2019
Hunter marine 270 Merrick
I have a 2001 270 with cam cleats between winch and jib. In 25 knot gusts, two hands to release. I liked the rope clutches in the same position which my ‘94 26 had much much better. alan
Nov 8, 2010
Beneteau First 36.7 & 260 Minneapolis MN & Bayfield WI
I have a 2001 270 with cam cleats between winch and jib. In 25 knot gusts, two hands to release. I liked the rope clutches in the same position which my ‘94 26 had much much better. alan
Hmmm thats the wrong application for a cleat. If you need a device to hold a sheet so a winch can be used for another line, you should use a footblock with a jammer.

You CAN you a clutch, but you end up leaving the handle open 99% of the time, a no-no on a boat.

Footblocks lay flat, are designed to be left open, and can be opened under load.


Here's a jammer on the jib sheet on BlueJ. But three of the lines in the clutches often need adjustment while sailing upwind (jib halyard, tack line and outhaul)
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
I have a 2001 270 with cam cleats between winch and jib. In 25 knot gusts, two hands to release. I liked the rope clutches in the same position which my ‘94 26 had much much better. alan
Are you using the winches for another line besides the jib sheet?

For jib sheets, the cam cleat should be after the winch. The winch takes the load, the cleat keeps the line from slipping off the winch.

On any line that may need to be adjusted frequently or released quickly a line stopper or clutch is not the correct choice. They can be hard to release, do not let the line run quickly, and can be easily jammed by a hockle or tangle in the line.