I expect they’ll work, but I can’t predict that you will be happy with them. I’ve some experience using cam cleats. On some Cal 20s a cam cleat on a metal mount fixed under the winch base is used to stop-off the jib sheet. There are also some Cal20s rigged with no winch: just the cam cleat. Of course, you routinely find them on mainsheet travelers. Sometimes find them controlling the furling line of the headsail, etc. They are difficult to use under much load. It sometimes takes a mighty heave upward, while pulling back, to release one under much load. Then, of course, your hand is holding the load after the sheet is popped out. Also, you might have to either stand at the correct height/angle, or somehow muster the upward thrust with your one arm if sitting, to free the sheet. Conversely, the fancier ones (if still around) have a release that engages to release (open the jaws) when you pull downward. On small boats with small loads, releasing is not a problem. Larger boats, 20 ft & above, in strong to moderate wind, you’lll be fighting them to release and to not reset before you are ready in some of my experience.