Assortment of cheap fixes on Cat 22

Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Ah well , working on getting ready for Ian if if shifts west. Either way we will get a storm surge at least 3 feet when it gets in the gulf. So glad I am on floating dock.
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Shot of me sailing with new ruddercraft on balmy oct 16 day in pensacola bay with light winds at 5 knots from se and boat doing a hairraising blistering 1.7 knots over ground,
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Still waiting for good day to do real test though, today wind chill of 22 so will wait for now.
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Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Finally got a good day on pensacola bay, Feb 15th, brisk winds 10 - 12 knots, and rudder-craft rudder did its thing, set the davis tiller minder, adjusted sails and on about 45 off wind found it maintained course without adjustment no more wandering up wind when left alone like the old tilt up rudder I had. Made me a believer.
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Yep sure was, looking forward to exploring further under different wind conditions.
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Moored off med style in Ft McRee lagoon as part of Northern Gulf coast cruise group .
NGCC 2023 (2).JPG
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
If you have a sliding dinette, take a look underneath the drain cone in the seat once in a while to make sure the hose connecting it to the drain pipe is still connected and in good shape, can view from back side of lazarette. See pic
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Well finally got out for a sail after heat index and tropical storms and surges etc. but first had kill two large wasp nests inside sail cover for main and yankee bag for genoa. Got to put a old sock with some moth balls inside each now to discourage re-population. Old sailors trick, wasps hate mothballs.
Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
Got to put a old sock with some moth balls inside each now to discourage re-population. Old sailors trick, wasps hate mothballs.
I like to keep a tupperware of mothballs in my boat. Just put the lid on and stow when time to go sailing. The active ingredient is napthalene

It also keeps spiders out of your boat.

Another cool factoid is that napthalene kills mold spores.

If you live someplace VERY hot I don't recommend putting this in a tup and keeping it open in your boat. The melting point is 177F but napthalene will sublime so if there is a chance that the interior of your boat will start to exceed 100F you will start to sublime significant quantities and then you will coat EVERYTHING in your boat with a thin film. You will never fully get the smell out.

BUT!!! I do use napthalene in my boat for the winter layover. Works great and my boat is bug free and mold free when I take the winter tarp off.
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Pretty lucky with my solar day nite vent running it keeps the interior around 95 max and locations of socks with moth balls all areas below water level in hull that stay in 80s mostly.
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Yep the balls get smaller over time and need to be replaced, but I also rarely see mold anywhere so the sublimation is working I guess. Even under sink area for galley. DSC00031.JPG
Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
Yep the balls get smaller over time and need to be replaced, but I also rarely see mold anywhere so the sublimation is working I guess. Even under sink area for galley. View attachment 223659
I would not leave moth balls out when camping in the boat. Napthlene is not healthy to breath. It is essentially a double benzene ring. I would close up the container and let the boat air out while sailing so the cabin will be mostly cleared out by night.

Please read this MSDS sheet describing the health hazards of naphthalene exposure.

In my post I said I keep them in a tupperware and close it up when I am on the boat. I tend to leave mine out only when I am closing up the boat for extended periods of time.
Mar 26, 2024
Catalina 22 Lake Travis
Need to replace keel winch???? Northen tool carries them it is a Dutton Lainson 800# brake winch for $69.00. That is less than half from Catalina. But be sure you note the load MUST come off the top of the reel.
How does this differ from the one that catalina direct sells?
Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
Just make sure you get one that has a break. If (when) your hand leaves the handle while under load, you don't want the keel to suddenly drop. The handle will spin fast and hard and can (has) broken fingers etc.
Mar 26, 2024
Catalina 22 Lake Travis
Just make sure you get one that has a break. If (when) your hand leaves the handle while under load, you don't want the keel to suddenly drop. The handle will spin fast and hard and can (has) broken fingers etc.
OK, this is autobraking. So it looks like it would work well and has a bigger thimble that the original one on my boat.
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Well its hurricane time again, ready for surges in gulf no matter where you are its a small bathtub when a storm gets in. Getting ready for Helene.