DSC00447 The Johnson Handy-Lock is a trailer-sailor's God send.  I back this off and it puts enough slack in my forestay to unhook my furler with it's press button quick pin.  It just doesn't get any easier than that!  The Gin Pole takes the whole sha-bang down with the aid of my boom vang and me holding the rope all by my lonesome.

DSC00447 The Johnson Handy-Lock is a trailer-sailor's God send. I back this off and it puts enough slack in my forestay to unhook my furler with it's press button quick pin. It just doesn't get any easier than that! The Gin Pole takes the whole sha-bang down with the aid of my boom vang and me holding the rope all by my lonesome.

Your album is a great resource of ideas.Thanks for taking the time to post them.I need to rig that gin pole setup!

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