One other thing I am thinking about testing is a way to heat the engine to assist in starting. The Universal really benifits from glow plugs. IF the problem is a dead starter, you would still have the glow plugs so that ould not be an issue. If the problem is a dead start battery, I have the ability to link my 560Ah LFP house battery to my start battery so I could do that.
I wonder if it would be possible to open the compression release and then blow a hair dryer down the intake which should flow warm air through one of the three cylinders. Then rotate until the next opened, etc. After a few minutes of this, you should have a fair amount of the steel heated. It would also be of benifit to blow the hot air down the intake as the engine is cranked. In principle, this is the same way that the grid heater works on my Cummins. If all batteries are dead, I could not do this alone but could run an extension cord from a buddy boat tied alongside.
Interesting thought exercise.