Try 2,900 horsepower. Watch the digital display on the side of the Dyno.That video is more like a 300 or 400 horsepower engine and intentionally held to high rev's
It's being run on a Dyno to see how much power it produces. It's a competition.
These engines are pushing the extreme boundaries and are prone to failure for that exact reason.
Not a runaway. There is a guy in the truck with his foot on the throttle.
That YouTube channel is run by a company that builds strong transmissions.
They hold competitions on trailer mounted Dyno, with spectators at a safe distance due to the risk.
The owner is famous for the truck "Red Delicious" which hit 3,000 hp. It also eventually blew up on a subsequent test.
Small marine diesels, with hardly any power, obviously have almost nothing in common with these trucks and don't blow up like that even if they failed.
I do know exactly what you were thinking about going into an engine room emergency,
Exactly. IMO Just another reason why a co2 or similar extinguisher is mandatory on a boat.Keep a Co2 extinguisher at hand. If governor failure runaway or other - Co2 kills the motor instantly - every time.
Our boat has a panel in the companionway stairs that can be opened to allow a fire extinguisher nozzle.
When talking to a local fire protection company about an automatic+manual fire system for the engine bay, they suggested a "cleanguard" system that uses HFC-236fa. Doesn't make a mess, doesn't damage electronics, and will displace oxygen. Apparently work as well as co2 on shutting down a diesel.
Just yank the release cable/pin and Robert's yer uncle.