Ah, my eyes must be going, thought it was aluminum or stainless. I think I finally have the fueling issue figured out with mine, so i'm looking forward to having a reliable motor as well.
Sorry to hear that. But then it's better to have the sail slugs break than rip your sail or damage your mast. Were they the all plastic sail slugs or were they the nylon slugs with stainless loops? Glad you were able to find replacements.I broke all my main sail slugs. Caught a big wind as I was lowering the sail, and trying to get the motor started. My wife found some on Amazon for a few dollars. Just hve to put them on now...
Beautiful.This morning I finally finished up the new gasket on the forward hatch, laying down a coat of contact cement to the painstakingly cleaned area, and then re-gooping the hinges. I'll do the final hinge tightening in a couple of hours.
We just spent Saturday night there! There's a local harbor seal that has gotten very fat by swimming along all the boats in the marina and begging for scraps. We saw him multiple times a day both days.Friday Harbor WA today. There a 26M in the picture.