BudGates, your new outboard looks pretty slick. Looks like you will get full rotation on the transom plus a lot of other luxury features. EFI and a 12 amp charging source! Slightly more weight but probably not noticeable. Looks like a great way to go for anyone looking for a new outboard on the old classics. Four strokes already get good gas economy, I wonder if that EFI will do even better.
If you fabricated that linkage.. nice job, looks professional.
Remember the good old days where you would have needed to change the jets going from low elevation to high elevation...
I think those high thrust props are possibly more for a fishing application where you want to go very slow for trolling. The one that your getting is 5 pitch, same as came with my Nissan 9.8 and I got rid of it quickly.. Worked great in reverse but obnoxious high revs in forward. I went to a conventional three blade prop soon after I bought the outboard.
Edit. sort of related. This picture is the Suzuki 2.5 hp on my Hobie TI about a week ago. I get about 34 mpg @ 5.7 knots crusing speed. Peak speed is just under 7 knots. Ive had no issues going on three years now.
If you fabricated that linkage.. nice job, looks professional.
Remember the good old days where you would have needed to change the jets going from low elevation to high elevation...
I think those high thrust props are possibly more for a fishing application where you want to go very slow for trolling. The one that your getting is 5 pitch, same as came with my Nissan 9.8 and I got rid of it quickly.. Worked great in reverse but obnoxious high revs in forward. I went to a conventional three blade prop soon after I bought the outboard.
Edit. sort of related. This picture is the Suzuki 2.5 hp on my Hobie TI about a week ago. I get about 34 mpg @ 5.7 knots crusing speed. Peak speed is just under 7 knots. Ive had no issues going on three years now.
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