The Official "What Did You Do To Your Mac Today" Thread!


Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
BudGates, your new outboard looks pretty slick. Looks like you will get full rotation on the transom plus a lot of other luxury features. EFI and a 12 amp charging source! Slightly more weight but probably not noticeable. Looks like a great way to go for anyone looking for a new outboard on the old classics. Four strokes already get good gas economy, I wonder if that EFI will do even better.

If you fabricated that linkage.. nice job, looks professional.

Remember the good old days where you would have needed to change the jets going from low elevation to high elevation...

I think those high thrust props are possibly more for a fishing application where you want to go very slow for trolling. The one that your getting is 5 pitch, same as came with my Nissan 9.8 and I got rid of it quickly.. Worked great in reverse but obnoxious high revs in forward. I went to a conventional three blade prop soon after I bought the outboard.

Edit. sort of related. This picture is the Suzuki 2.5 hp on my Hobie TI about a week ago. I get about 34 mpg @ 5.7 knots crusing speed. Peak speed is just under 7 knots. Ive had no issues going on three years now.


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Jul 8, 2014
Catalina C400 Oriental NC
BudGates, that engine rig looks fantastic!

Electric tilt? Sweet, though I would miss the weight lifting workout and the gymnast/contortionist routine we have to go through to raise/lower our 2001 Nissan 9.9 :cussing:(NOT)

Well done, man
Apr 19, 2012
O'Day Daysailor 17 Nevis MN
Walt, Thanks for the compliment. I did make the tiller for the outboard but the linkage between the boat tiller and the outboard tiller is a linkage intended for a kicker motor. I got the idea here

I've been wondering how the 5 pitch prop would do with the Mac. By my calculations it should reach hull speed at around 3850 rpm which may be too high for comfort. I may replace it after I try it out in a couple of weeks.

Nice pic. Glad to hear you've had no issues with your Suzuki outboard. That's encouraging.

BudGates, that engine rig looks fantastic!

Electric tilt? Sweet, though I would miss the weight lifting workout and the gymnast/contortionist routine we have to go through to raise/lower our 2001 Nissan 9.9 :cussing:(NOT)

Well done, man
Thank you. I'm sure I'll miss those things just as much. I'll also (not) miss the wife freaking out when I lean over the transom while "Auto" is handling the tiller. (Yes, she can steer the boat but it makes her nervous.)
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Aug 14, 2013
MacGregor 26S High Desert
Had a very nice sail yesterday...finally! We got a late start this year but we're trying to make up for it now. Did a little swimming early on the day and caught some sustained winds in the afternoon. When the winds died down we swam a bit more and headed in to the marina a little after 6:00.

The fueling issue with my motor is not totally fixed, however. It's much better and will run longer, but will still periodically 'run out of fuel' and simply die. The work continues.


Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
Budgates, if you have a way to measure current and voltage, it would be interesting to see how that Suzuki 12 amp charging system works. 12 amps is a lot if it works nicely.

I’ve watched the charging system on my Nissan 9.8 (only 6 amps) and if the battery voltage is under 13 volts, I will get the full 6 amps over a large range of rpm. I will get even near the full 6 amps just above idle.. which is actually surprising but I have seen that many times.

But.. when the battery voltage gets up in the range of 13.4 - 13.6 volts, the charging current really drops off regardless of rpm. This would be also nice as it wont over charge the batteries but it also is too low of voltage to start cutting back on current. My batteries would have to get fairly discharged before I really take advantage of the outboard charging and it’s because it drops back current at too low of battery voltage. It would be better if the charging dropped back near 14 volts or even a little higher.

My batteries are also on one end of the boat (under the V berth) and the outboard on the other but are connected with four gauge wire. It is also possible (even with the four gauge wire) that part of the too low of voltage cutback is because of the distance.. don’t know.
Apr 19, 2012
O'Day Daysailor 17 Nevis MN
Walt, If I get a chance I'll hook up the ampmeter that is installed in my boat before we take her out. My old outboard only put out 6 volts so I never bothered to hook up either the charging system or the meters when I rewired the boat.

Between having solar panels, shore power, and all LED lights the charging system wasn't all that important to me before. Now with electric start and electric tilt it may become a little more of an issue.
Nov 19, 2011
MacGregor 26S Hampton, VA
Finally sent my registration in for the Sippy Cup. It's the overnight race from Havre-de-grace, MD to Annapolis. This year it's under a full moon. Like an idiot, I waited till I had to pay the late fee. Oh well.

I don't know if I am going to sail up or trailer up. It may take a few days to get up there if I sail. My problem is I need to be home Sunday eve so sailing back may be a challenge.


Aug 14, 2013
MacGregor 26S High Desert
Very nice, Doc.

Tuesday we had just a wonderful evening sail. The wind was perfect, sun was out, and no issues to mention. Just a great time on the water I hope we can repeat many times before cold weather returns.
Sep 25, 2008
Macgregor & Island Packet VENTURE 25 & IP-38 NORTH EAST, MD
Hey Doc.....see you at the starting line! I'll be sailing my Pearson 35 in the Sippy class this year, as my official phrf rating is a 201. There are at least 20 boats racing this year.
Jul 29, 2014
Ranger R26 Muskegon, MI
I replaced my ailing centerboard winch (a trailer winch) with a new braking winch, raised the mount to clear my knuckles when winching and removed the traveler in preparation of mounting it in the stern.

I also added some 3M line handlers to the cabin bulkhead to hold my hanked halyards and keep them out of the cockpit floor.


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Apr 19, 2012
O'Day Daysailor 17 Nevis MN
I like the line handlers Joe. Where do you get them? I tried a search but struck out. Never mind. I found them listed as line hangers and halyard hangers.

Glad to hear you installed a breaking winch. They're much safer than a trailer winch.
Jul 29, 2014
Ranger R26 Muskegon, MI
I like the line handlers Joe. Where do you get them? I tried a search but struck out. Never mind. I found them listed as line hangers and halyard hangers.

Glad to hear you installed a breaking winch. They're much safer than a trailer winch.
My line handlers are just those 3M design with the pull tabs on the adhesive for easy removal (I can't recall the brand name) they are less than $10 each at Wal-Mart. I don't know how long they will last before they fall off but they work great and come it extra adhesive tabs.

I really like the new winch. Read about them on this forum in the spring/ found them cheap on EBay and got one that day.


Sep 21, 2014
Catalina 28 Oceanside Ca..
Haven't been on in awhile. We are taking the Sweet Sandy Ann to Oceanside Ca for 10 days and I'm going to try to put her in a guest slip for a few days. It's going to be great to get the grandkids on the boat.If I get a guest slip we might even sleep over night on her. I'm excited.As for what I've been doing' put a new dometic portable head in cause old one was nasty. Stategically located some battery powered led lights in cabin. Tried cleaning the cushions inside cause they were pretty gross took high pressure nozzle on hose and went to town they came out really good. New weather stripping under hatches. As we all know these boats are a work in progress and after I bought her I thought what did I do. But with some elbow grease, ideas (mine and yours)and time I must say this boat looks pretty damn good and I'm proud to own her. I'll send some pics and some stories when we get back.
Nov 19, 2011
MacGregor 26S Hampton, VA
A lot of water....

Opened up my sette's and both sides had a lot of water in them. I'm guessing I pumped 8-10 gallons total out. I wonder where it's coming from and probably several places.

Mast mount. This is likely
Other topside stuff that needs rebedded
Possible water ballast valve leaking letting water in. The water level was at the hole and I don't recall filling it that high when I put it in. I am pretty sure I put it to a full finger depth.


Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
Please post the details about your Oceanside trip including the marina!!!

I am "sort of" retiring in one month (59.5) and sailing Southern California is high on the list for next year (I used to live in Huntington Beach and Long Beach). I’m also hoping to join a group of small boats to Catalina Island. I think at least two groups do that and I’ve met some of the people from the Lake Havasu connection.
Apr 19, 2012
O'Day Daysailor 17 Nevis MN
Woodzy, Have a great time. We'll be anxious to hear how it goes.

Walt, You'll love Catalina Island. We went there a couple of times with the SoCal Potters. Wished we could have gone this year but that's life. I'm also looking forward to retirement. I'll be eligible in 22 months 8 days, not that I'm counting or anything...

Doc, glad you found the problem when you did. I hope you find where the water is coming in. It might even be time to install a bilge pump. Once the water is to the top of the ballast tank it's only a matter of time until the whole boat is filled.


Sep 21, 2014
Catalina 28 Oceanside Ca..
Please post the details about your Oceanside trip including the marina!!!

I am "sort of" retiring in one month (59.5) and sailing Southern California is high on the list for next year (I used to live in Huntington Beach and Long Beach). I’m also hoping to join a group of small boats to Catalina Island. I think at least two groups do that and I’ve met some of the people from the Lake Havasu connection.
iI'm thinking real serious about putting the SSA in mast up storage at Cabrillo beach. Alittle pricey but I won't have to tow it won't have step mast and rig it won't have to knock it all back down and tow it home so it might be worth it . We'll see.


Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
We went there a couple of times with the SoCal Potters

The two clubs I know of do the Catalina trip about this time of year. I think both of those clubs are a majority of one type of boat but I also think its no problem if you have some other brand. Those trips are best about the people and the place, not what type of boat you have. I think Nelsen Amen with a 26X went with the Potter guys this year.