Trying to Upgrade to Raymarine C80

Jun 1, 2019
Oday 30 Saugatuck
Hey Gang,

I bought a 1980 ODay 30 and its time to upgrade the electronics. The boat came with a Garmin GPS 120 (probably 25 years old), which works with the power on, very difficult to read and is obviously outdated. No radar on the boat. I was given a Raymarine C80 Chart Plotter which also work as a GPS and Radar.

Question one: Can I use the Garmen GPS antenna to my Raymarine C80 or do I need to use a Raymarine specific antenna.
Question two: I still need to purchase the radar dome itself, would this need to be a Raymarine radar as well?
Questions three: If I were to mount the C80 to the helm, I may be able use it as a wind reader, knots and depth, etc. Would I need Raymarine transducers or could I use the current Signet Marine transducers (cerca 1980)

Thanks for looking.

Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
Hey Gang,

I bought a 1980 ODay 30 and its time to upgrade the electronics. The boat came with a Garmin GPS 120 (probably 25 years old), which works with the power on, very difficult to read and is obviously outdated. No radar on the boat. I was given a Raymarine C80 Chart Plotter which also work as a GPS and Radar.

Question one: Can I use the Garmen GPS antenna to my Raymarine C80 or do I need to use a Raymarine specific antenna.
Question two: I still need to purchase the radar dome itself, would this need to be a Raymarine radar as well?
Questions three: If I were to mount the C80 to the helm, I may be able use it as a wind reader, knots and depth, etc. Would I need Raymarine transducers or could I use the current Signet Marine transducers (cerca 1980)

Thanks for looking.

The answer to most of your questions is probably not.

Radar is almost always proprietary, that is you must have a radar antenna of the same brand as the MFD/Chartplotter. Also, most current radars use ethernet to transmit the data to the MFD.

The Signet transponders most likely use a proprietary protocol for the signal. Contemporary RayMarine (and others) use some form of NMEA 2000 protocols.

Contemporary Multi Function Displays can report all the data on the network. However, the data must be sent in a form they can recognize. The Signet transducers will not meet this criteria, as they are pre-NMEA 2000.

As for the GPS antenna, if the out put is something the RM 800 can read, then the antenna would work. But I wouldn't count on it.

If you want a full suite of electronics, you will probably have to replace everything and start new. Think about what your really need and if you can add it over time to soften the financial hit.
Jul 28, 2013
Hunter 34 Lake Norman
Hey Gang,

I bought a 1980 ODay 30 and its time to upgrade the electronics. The boat came with a Garmin GPS 120 (probably 25 years old), which works with the power on, very difficult to read and is obviously outdated. No radar on the boat. I was given a Raymarine C80 Chart Plotter which also work as a GPS and Radar.

Question one: Can I use the Garmen GPS antenna to my Raymarine C80 or do I need to use a Raymarine specific antenna.
Question two: I still need to purchase the radar dome itself, would this need to be a Raymarine radar as well?
Questions three: If I were to mount the C80 to the helm, I may be able use it as a wind reader, knots and depth, etc. Would I need Raymarine transducers or could I use the current Signet Marine transducers (cerca 1980)

Thanks for looking.

C80 has NMEA 0183 which maybe compatible with older Garmin hardware. I am not that familiar with the garmin 120 but the c80 requires translated data not raw gps satellite data so just a antenna will not work
I found a manual for the C80 online I will try to upload.


Dec 15, 2006
Catalina 310 44 Campbell River BC
the gps ant need to be nmea 0183 I have a C70 and that's its ant


Jul 24, 2005
Beneteau 323 Manistee, MI
At this point the c80 is an antique. It probably still works, but no way to update.
I had a c70 that I replaced because the screen started to go bad. I stayed with Raymarine and was able to integrate all my ST60 instruments quite easily. The advantage of the newer Raymarine mfd was the built-in gps and the ability to either use bluetooth or hardwire the new radar into the system.

( I still think I can rescue the screen display on the c70 if I crack open the case, reseat some connecters and maybe use it as an independent chart plotter at the navigation table. Then again its probably not worth the effort. Maybe I can start a collection of obsolete marine instruments on a shelf or two in my home office, I have enough of them.)