Trip to Europe (and back) begins

Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
Must be really cold up north....
Up here in the Great White North it was + 12C ( 55 F) today, snow is gone and spring is in the air. Bev asks you to give a shout out and a wave as you pass St. Kitts on your way North. She spent a couple of years there with C.U.S.O ( Canadian Peace Corps) many years ago and has many fond memories.


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Up here in the Great White North it was + 12C ( 55 F) today, snow is gone and spring is in the air. Bev asks you to give a shout out and a wave as you pass St. Kitts on your way North. She spent a couple of years there with C.U.S.O ( Canadian Peace Corps) many years ago and has many fond memories.
I'm sure hoping when I head into the Chesapeake winter will be gone and a warm spring is coming in. I'm not prepared for cold at this point...

St. Kitts will get a shout out and wave. I may stop there. It's pretty much on my way. Got suggestions of places to stop?

Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
Are they chasing you around the Caribbean?
What's their AIS track say? Very suspicious.

If they were a competitor in a fishing fleet, you would want to head out in a false direction, turn your AIS off, then head to the honey hole without it.

Back in the day, a good list of LORAN fishing spots could be worth money. They were guarded like the Crown Jewels.

Apr 5, 2009
Catalina '88 C30 tr/bs Oak Harbor, WA
So you thought I was slacking? Or just a pretty face?:biggrin:
Not at all. I just could not figure out how you made all of those posts made without being noticed, WHILE getting everything done that needed doing. It takes me 10-minutes to make a simple one sentence post on my phone. [which is why I hate texting.] If I am texting, I am also loudly cursing so everyone within earshot knows that I am making the attempt.

Without my computer and keyboard, you hear almost nothing from me.