Trip to Europe (and back) begins


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
The Islands are getting bigger!
Hahahaha - Indeed!

Had weird one this morning. My chart plotter suddenly would not connect to any satellites. I spent some time playing with it, went through a factory reset, nothing. It just was dead. So I fired up my openCPN on my lap top and reprogrammed the route to St. Lucia on the lap top. About 5 minutes later the chart plotter came back to life...

We are thinking it's simply a problem of satellite coverage here. I had shut down the chart plotter for another reason and powering it back on it must have simply needed more time than I expected to reconnect. All our satellite communication equipment on board is running very slow here.

I was initially thinking I'd put my foot into the world of fate as Anja was asking me yesterday about my navigation skills and systems. I'd told her I have 4 independent navigation systems on-board. Perhaps it was just fate winking...



Feb 11, 2017
Islander Freeport 36 Ottawa
Perhaps it was just fate winking...
Sometimes we need these reminders. I like hearing about these little things along your journey, it reminds us that it takes work and resilience to make long passages but these mishaps and quirky occurrences add to the reward of completing the trip.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
I’m afraid the hopes for a Christmas celebration in port were dashed away by a weather cell that disturbed the Trade Winds.

This Low pressure cell squeezed between the Central Atlantic High and the High off the Atlantic coast is leaving a wind less region as it moves away to the NE.

David, crew and Musetta have been sailing in what is known as "The prevailing Trade Winds".These winds out of the East blowing to the west generally between the 30th and 10th degrees of Latitude are said to be the result of global air circulation called "The Ferrel cell", theorized by William Ferrel (1817–1891). These winds, unlike those of Hadley Cells or Polar Cells are weak due to a lack of strong heat or sinking energy source. These weaker winds blow for days yet can be disrupted by moving cold fronts like the Low pressure near Musetta.

To seek a breeze, Musetta must venture further south extending their course a bit. Or if resources permit utilize their iron genny.
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Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
I have three independent systems, and none is a cell phone! Keep on truckin' (er, sailing), dLj!
I have three on the boat, and the 4th is my cell phone with Navionics on it. Like I've said, we're keepin' on, keepin' on....


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