I'm expecting that the winds will be curving bringing me more westerly. We are running wing on wing and have been for some time now. Running with the hydrovane wind vane, (her name is now HydroJane - relentless at steering...) we are curving with the prevailing winds. It's looking at this point that we can just ride them and they will take us right into the planned options mentioned. Of course we keep our eyes on the route and where it's leading, but so far so good....Cape Verde is the normal Birth area of African Monsoon Hurricanes.
This is the warmer water that [melts butter] and gives you the Westerlies winds.
In email discussions, John laid out options for Dave on the LOW Pressure Cell in front of the Musetta and crew.
Dave said he had enough fuel to make it to the Antilles.
Expect a more Westerly turn in the next few days.