As long as the weldments are in their original position you should be fine. CD even says you may have shave down the inside faces just a bit. I have to shave mine down just a hair, but I didn't need to take off very much so I did it on a stationary drum sander... not enough material to justify a mill. It's those outside flanges that don't get close to the end that kind trip me out, plus it makes me wonder how well the round tops on the backside (or inside top) fit into the pocket. My pockets were square and if you look back into my resto thread you'll see how I used epoxy thickened with fairing filler to mold the shape. I just waxed the weldments with zipper wax on the backs and bolted them in. At a minimum I'd use some epoxy filler on the sides to fill that gap, but you might even be able to pull off the whole thing I did and shape the pockets too.
BTW, the washers I used on mine were Delrin (Acetal) that I got from McMaster Carr. They come in a pack of 10 and I only needed one to shim my keel perfectly center. If you PM your address I'll send you a few, I have 6 left after I gave 3 to another buddy who did a keel job.