I think I like mine.

Sure the cable hums at certain speeds but it's not objectional, it clunks under certain conditions, maintainence has not been an issue as we sail in fresh water. The trunk intrudes on the cabin space. I like the ease of launch and an the ability to gunkhole in shallow water (2 feet). It has been seaworthy enough to sail Lake Superior at times in some remote areas.
Two feet over sand in Horace Cove Slate Islands Lake Superior. The only place to anchor in this otherwise deep and open to the south cove. This is a Provincial Park and the fishing is good here. Earlier in the day the rangers came by in their powerboat to check my fishing license...they could not get any closer than 100 feet so I just waved a piece of paper at them and they went on their way.

I wasn't fishing...somehow all my gear got left at home this trip...stupid me.
We like doing this when we find a sand beach. Lampton Cove Slate Islands.
We had this once popular cove all to ourselves for three days due to the low water levels in lake Huron. 2 foot entrance channel. McCleary Cove North Channel Lake Huron.
Another shallow draft special South Benjamin island Lake Huron.
I have lots of photos like these.....while not antisocial we like anchoring away from the crowd and by ourselves. In most of my photos we are usually the only boat in the anchorage unless we are traveling with friends. Our boat allows us to do that.