Finally got around to redoing the cockpit/motor well plumbing. I wasn't able to find a good tutorial anywhere, though I could have overlooked it. My boat came with old cracked and clogged vinyl tubing, and the locker had been flooded at some point in the past.
I didn't want to go back with vinyl, and searches for the right hose at all local supply houses was less than successful. I wanted hose that was flexible, but rigid enough to not collapse. I decided on radiator hose, and searched myself silly at the local Autozone for the right hoses. Below is what I chose (pictured with the 1.5" X 1.5" X 1" barbed TEE), and they worked out perfectly:
I cut a short section off the 1.5" hose to use as a nipple (you'll know which end when you mock up the install), then installed it on the drain at the hull:
I then installed the TEE on the nipple.
In my opinion, the factory nipple on the motor well drain is too long and does not offer enough slope for a proper drain. I shortened it:
I then cut the 1" hose elbow to make it short enough for a good drain. This little section is the only part that wasn't used:
Connected the motor well drain hose to the TEE:
It was then just a matter of connecting the long 1.5" hose to the cockpit drain nipple and TEE. To make slipping the hoses over the nipples and TEE easier, I lubed them with Joe's handcleaner.:
Success! Total cost was about $40 with all new clamps: