The GAS Crunch

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I agree!

Buy big SUV and drive them all around, PLEASE!!! I am loaded to the hill with Oils Stocks!


Rodney, just one question

If America goods are more attractive what happened to Ford and GM? I guess we have to wait until the dollar drops another 40% before we see sales pick up. Good call. Your right on dude. PS Nobody blaming W. He not smart enough to have done this much damage.



If you can't beat them join them! Cash in! Oil stock are just going to keep moving up. The rest of the market going to keep moving down as interest rates move up. Look for smaller oil companies that are take over targets. China is just going to need more oil to feed their massive economic expansion! They are making cars now and they are going to want to drive them.
Apr 13, 2005
- - melbourne

looks like you have it all figured out. get it cheap, burn it fast and invade anyone whom gets in your way.i hope you don't have any kids to leave whats left of this planet to? internal combustion can happen to more than just gas


Feb 14, 2005
Tayana 37 cutter; I20/M20 SCOWS Worton Creek, MD
There's plenty of 'oil' left.

Sure most of the 'easy' oil has probably been discovered; but there is more oil sitting in tar sands under the Western US and Alberta than ever was in the Mid East. Just a bit harder to exract at the present cost of oil. There are coal reserves aplenty.... the South Africans have been converting coal into petroleum products for years using technology developed by Nazi Germany. Its market forces that drive the cost of oil, not politicians. If you think otherwise I have a bridge to sell you .... and some Kool-Aid to give you, too !!!!! If you want to actually save the 'environment' instead of just talking about it.... get a vasectomy.


Feb 14, 2005
Tayana 37 cutter; I20/M20 SCOWS Worton Creek, MD
Answer to Waffel re: Ford and GM

The price of Ford and GM products include a HEFTY pension benefit package negotiatied years ago. Just about every other country in the world holds such pensions under govenrment control (taxes), so when you deduct these extraordinary costs from the actual product, Ford and GM come out quite competetively. However, In the real world Ford and GM can no longer compete due to these 'charges' that must be applied to the price of their products. So the answer is take your pick: Pay 80 to 90% in income taxes (Scandanavia) OR simply let such corporations self destruct because they can no longer compete in the world market place. OBTW - Enjoy driving your Toyota. :)


the gas crunch

Remember Ronald ran up the debt too, but he had brains to keep interest rates high to stop inflation,and keep foreign money here. Sailboats will be going up as a mode to USA transportation. We need connecting channels and gas will get cheap again unless they tax hot air.



Oh my....that was funny...funniest thing I heard in a long time.


We will NEVER run out of oil

but we will stop drilling/pumping for it when the day comes that we've found something else because the production of oil couldn't keep up with the demand. The prices are getting high now and we don't have a problem with production keeping up with demand...just wait until demand raises to 5% higher then we can produce. The prices will sky rocket and then demand will go down but prices will never go all the way back down and they will bounce back and forth until substantial alternatives are developed. That's when demand will totally drop and there will still be oil in the ground. So we need to stop saying "We have enough oil to last ....". It's not how much is left, it's how much we can produce and how much is in demand.
Apr 13, 2005
- - melbourne

Thankyou for backing up my glutton comment. Too many consummers consumming, blame it on the chinese and india, blame it on the japanese imports, it's gotta be somebody else's fault, right. If the only issue is low cost transport i think you are looking in the wrong direction. I hope you practice what you preach, one richH in our world is more than enough.
Dec 2, 1999
Hunter Vision-36 Rio Vista, CA.
Gasahol does not work in all engine systems.

I can tell you from experience that Gasahol does not work in all engine systems. My wifes '86 VW would stall and did not run very good on Arco's Gasahol. When she switched to the major brand fuels the problems went away. There were also warnings on some vehicles to NOT use Gasahol because of the break down of seals and o-rings. Things may be different now, but it does not seem that it is very prevelent any more.
Apr 13, 2005
- - melbourne

check your facts. i'm glad to see your so happy that by the year 2010 your gdp will be a only $1700 shy of where we are now. that would be coming down to your level, if you wish to compare. My only point was to use less, not find more.


Feb 14, 2005
Tayana 37 cutter; I20/M20 SCOWS Worton Creek, MD
Jeeze mik ........

Whoa! Your country and mine pays virtually the *exact* same price for crude at the well head. You shouldnt be bitchin' if your country feels it has to tax the socks off you by adding draconian taxes to your fuel supply and mine doesnt (yet). If you are paying $1.20 / L and I'm paying $2.00 / US gal ($0.52 / L) is that MY fault? ... that kinda tells me that I somehow voted for the right people, doesnt it? It doesnt cost any differently to refine and deliver the stuff .... so consider where that extra 68¢ you pay goes. My guess is some governmental entity definitely has its fat hand in your pocket. <g> Hey, regards anyway! ... better to debate which is the best 'tinney'.
Apr 13, 2005
- - melbourne
sorry usa

my point was not to put your country down nor compare it to mine, however, we went through the same thing about 10 years ago and the only way you can win is by using less. You are right about the tax richH, hence the Mazda in my driveway and the sailboat in NC.


Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 35.5 LI, NY
Like it or not...

....there's no getting away from the fact that we (US) consume and waste tons of oil every single day. Conservation doesn't appear to be in the American vocabulary. A small amount of conservation would go a very long way. You and I (collectively) can make a big dent in consumption with a little bit of effort. The Chinese economy is only now the size of Italy's, but the growth potential is enormous. Just think what is going to happen to world oil prices as that giant grows!! Maybe Waffle is right!!! oil futures now and cash in on the downfall.


Not Once

Not once did I say we should not conserve. My whole point was that on a per GDP unit basis, we use less energy to create that unit than the rest of the world does. I realize that all the America bashers and the Euro worshippers have a problem believing that but hey, it is right there in the numbers from the IMF. Just think what we could do if we conserved. That was my point, nothing else. Glad I pushed some buttons! Now, I for one am going to take my FRP (made from petro chemicals) boat out sailing. See ya!


Hey Alan

I notice you are located on Long Island, NY. What do you think about the proposed wind farm off of Nantucket? I realize it is a few miles away from Long Island.


Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 35.5 LI, NY

I'm totally in favor of the wind farms. What I cannot figure out is 'why don't we have tidal farms?' The tide rises and falls twice every day and all that energy is there for the taking, free, and nobody is doing anything to utilize it.
Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
Tidal power

The French do. Outside St. Malo, where the tide averages about 40 feet (YES 40 feet), there is a river that runs south with a tidal dam and a lock. Water rushes into river. Dam stops water rushing back out. Water is let out when the level behind the dam in the river is high, to create power. Nah, all those idiots who renamed French fries wouldn't believe it. The dolts. I also get a kick out of folks who are really amazed that "all of a sudden" China is here. Gee, where have they (the Chinese) been all these years? Oh, I get it, they "JUST" started making cars. Hmm, probably just last year so now it hits us when springtime comes around and our gas prices go up. Every springtime our gas prices go up. This year they're going higher because the gas companies and their friends in DC are finding out just how much they can gouge.


Jun 4, 2004
Macgregor Venture 222 trailer

I thought that bottled or propane gas was an extra bleed off product from oil wells? Am I wrong about that? Just refering to the post on LP gas as a solution to our gas woes!
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