The GAS Crunch

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Checking Facts

Cpt mik seems to think that the USA has less GDP per capita than Australia and he chastised Rodney after Rodney crafted some well thought out replys. So I checked on the Energy Information Administration website for their published statistics up to 2002 (admittedly a little dated - but the latest published until later this year). USA per capita GDP was $32,100, 34% higher than Australia. Total energy consumtion in Btu per GDP for USA was 10,575 Btu, 13% less than Australia. In other catagories, particularly consumption of carbon intense products (petroleum, natural gas, coal) Australia consumes more both in terms of per capita consumption and per GDP. Furthermore, the relative consumption from the USA seems to be steadily declining while Australia's is rapidly increasing when you examine the trend. For perspective, Canada is pretty much in the same league as Australia except that they consume far more energy per capita and per GDP in terms of total Btu. So cast your stones mik; don't worry, the USA will continue to do the heavy lifting. Your economy is a pipsqueek compared to ours and we are more energy efficient. Also, we will come to your aid if you ever need it. Australia is consistently in our corner so there are no complaints from us on that account. Also, for all of us that think conservation is the best answer, you're right. Western Europe in general has a better handle on that compared to us ... but you still need to put it in perspective. There is no free lunch. Prosperity is only earned through the exploitation of natural resources, and no, exploitation is not necessarily a dirty word. Neither is profit. If you think that government needs to be run isolated from the interests of businesses and corporations, then you must also be saying that our representative form of government is unwanted. I don't think that is what most of us have in mind. Personally, I like the oil companies. They provide a service I need at a price I can afford and I can share in their profits to boot if I desire. I want them to maintain a good relationship with the White House! Don't get all hysterical about them raping the land. We dictate how good their custodial activities are through our own consumptive behavior and the regulations we impose. It's our choice at the filling stations and the ballot box, not theirs. I saw tidal and wind energy suggested. Good ideas and they can probably be put to more and better use, but there is also plenty of opposition (no - not by the oil companies, you conspiracy goofs). Stu, you mentioned the use of a dam involved in harvesting the tides. We know how much environmentalists love dams! Wringing our hands over the price of gas or competition in China is not going to get us anywhere. We have to adapt to it and I'm sure we will. There are some brilliant minds born every day that are constantly seeking new innovations and opportunities. Some of the old ideas, like gasahol, simply don't work well for a number of reasons. But nothing is ever going to remain the same. I guess that's enough flag waving! It's all in fun. I never said I was a genius so if my interpretations are wrong, I'm listening! *box
Apr 13, 2005
- - melbourne
that sounds right

I was under the imprission aust was the worst per cap with emissions, but still good for developping country. Regarding finances, i converted almost everthing i own to USD in the last 3 months, bought my new boat in the usa and will see you soon. I'm not US bashing and am in no way under the impression the aust will stay on the high it has somehow managed to maintain, hence the bugout. my point should have been WE need to use less


Representative form of government!!!???

Scott, what sort of stuff you bee smokin'?? This is the story they like to preach in grade school, but it's far far from reality. Usually you have a choice of one out of 2, neither of which is going to listen to you or most anyone else. Incummbents usually win and they do what the party says or their done. And what the party wants is to stay in power, to hell with what's right. Come down off your horse and smell the coffee. This country has a lot going for it, BUT it has alot that needs fixing aswell. Sure America is rich, but that doesn't mean we should squander our assets?? but we do...what we waste would run another country. So because we are rich and can buy we should waste? na I don't go along with that. What mik and and a few others are trying to say is --- waste not, want not.
May 23, 2004
I'm in the market as were . Colonial Beach
A strange thought

Alright, I know that I am going to get blasted out of the water for saying this....but it is a really funny discussion topic for sailors to be talking about....Gas Prices Etc. (the original topic). If we are fussing about the prices, can you imagine how much the forums for the big gas powerboats are fussing about the price of gas. The main issue for the gas prices is the inevitable huge rise in inflation that will come out of this (from higher shipping costs etc). At least we don't rate our boats on gallons per hour. Our engines are auxiliary power (thank goodness). As far as alternative sources of power...We have already made a conscious decision to use an alternative source of power by having a sailboat. Can you imagine the fuel that would be saved if everyone used sailboats? (Although that will never happen) I guess that my point is that although gas and oil is extremely expensive, at least we don't burn gallons per hour!
Feb 12, 2005
- - Lake Worth, FL
hehehe... I was on a stinkboat forum

a few nights ago and they are freaking out about the gas prices. Nice thing about sail boats, yet the motors are aux power. If the price of gas gets too redic, or rationing starts, we can convert to electric drive with solar and wind chargers easily.. Stinkboats sure cant do that!
Dec 2, 2003
- - Seabeck WA
Sound good but most every part of a sailboat

comes directly from, or is made using oil. We sailors won't get much of a break for long.


Sinbad, I had a horse once ...

But talk about high maintenance and emissions! whew ... I like sailing a lot more and the air is a lot sweeter! But I get it now! If I can't elect leaders that agree with me 100% on every issue (even when I don't know what the issue is), I get to say "they don't represent me! I blame them for the mess we're in". What a great way to live! ... with no responsibility! The politicians can't get anything right ... what we need are bureaucrats to rule us. Or maybe the judiciary should step up their rule from on high. I'm making fun but which way would you have it? Political leaders that we elect or tyranny from bureacracy and an increasingly active judiciary who answer to no one? Is there an alternative that I am missing? Waste not want not ... my ski boat will get less use this year because of the price of gas and I can't afford 2 slips. I'm glad I have an alternative. :)


Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 35.5 LI, NY
Not for one second... I saying that there is a better form of government on this earth RIGHT NOW. But that's not to say we couldn't have far better than this. At one point in time, travel to the new world took weeks of perilous travel. Today, we have breakfast in North America and lunch in Europe. Our form of government has moved far far away from the one our founding fathers established. Political corruption, lies, power brokering with rules put in place to keep things just that way. The government has surrounded itself with red tape and is so big that I doubt it can ever be fixed. Any politician today who tries to buck the system and make a move to fix things would be carved out and removed like a cancer. What remains are people like Delay, powerful, self-serving, and corrupt. Each with his/her own agenda for staying in power regardless of the consequence to America. Oh, if only there could be a test of sincerity and truth to become a politician!!

Dan McGuire

Time for the Double Nickle?

There are very few things the government can do in the short run, but there are some. How about a 55mph national speed limit? In spite of the protests, it saves fuel. The last time the truckers protested that they used more fuel at the lower speeds. One of the mechanical magazines (Popular Mechanics, Mechanics Illustrated,..) did a test on a closed track. Trucks used less fuel at lower speeds. They would do even worse at stop and go driving at higher speeds, because of the extra braking. One of my co-workers said it now required him an extra day to drive across Kansas. Another alternative is gas rationing. Give me a gallon of gas and I will use it to drive 5 miles in an RV or 50 miles in a hybrid. My choice. The other possibility is higher gas prices and just let the market control. The only problem is that the poor are hurt more than anyone else.

a poor old sailor

Congress solved the problem.

Didn't you all hear? Congress to the rescue! Today they passed the energy bill, giving 12 billion dollars of grants and tax breaks to "energy" companies and opening up that Alaskan wildlife refuge to them. That sure oughta help...the politicians' friends in the oil industry make a lot more money. Ugh, this government is becoming totally disgustipating. Who votes for these guys?
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