The keel joint/barrier coat/bottom paint lalapalooza fiesta extravaganza marathon, Days 3 & 4:
Another day, more glorious glorious sanding! Day 3 started with sanding and cleaning up the entire keel joint from the nose back to the aft flange. Aft of that I had already glassed and started fairing. In addition I finally got the balance of the hull sanded and the craters filled. In the middle of this I uncovered/discovered an actual blister! Went over a seemingly benign spot on the hull with the sander and - low and behold about 10 minutes later a small spot had brownish liquid oozing out of it

. So, out with the grinder and a bit later, no more blister.
The balance of Day 3 was doing the following, which might elicit howls of anguish from some of you guys! First, what I did. Then, why
The sanding prep along the keel joint was so I could apply a single layer of 6 oz. chopped strand mat completely covering the keel joint

. The CSM extends about 3 inches above and below the keel joint, essentially encapsulating it entirely.
Insert protests/complaints/confused looks here.
Now, why did I do that?? My thinking is, and if you've ever just glassed a single layer of 6 oz. you'll know, is that a single layer of CSM is really flexible and it "should" have about the same "give" as the G-Flex does. So, instead of fairing overtop the G-Flex (and believe me, fairing compound has absolutely NO give!) I will have a layer of glass below the fairing compound that might not crack as the keel flexes, even though the fairing compound definitely will. So, in theory I will have a better gauge to judge the security of the keel joint. If the fairing compound is cracking the crack might not extend to or through the CSM layer. Time will tell but I am trying to not have to do this ever again!
No pics for Day 3 because the CSM is so thin you can see right through it

and pics look like the day before.
Day 4 consisted of working the aft keel and fairing the reinforcing plates. I wanted to avoid the mass of filler buildup on the plates like previously:
So I sanded the fairing compound flush to the edges, contoured the area around the exposed (bolts?) and added a layer of 1708 to cover the plates and surrounding edges:
I also sanded and prepped the CSM layer for fairing compound and started fairing:
End of Day 4. Getting tireder and sorerer!