Newbe purchased #14612 this week.

Mar 20, 2015
C&C 30 Mk1 Winnipeg
Ok.. stop that... I'm starting to hate you guys.. LOL
It was gusting 54 knots in 46.4 F and rain today, when we woke up in a campground, sleeping in the C22, on the trailer.
See how desperate sailors can get ? We even had people offer to rock the boat and make seagull sounds.
EDIT: for the curious, it was an annual thanksgiving weekend camping event.


Aug 18, 2015
Catalina 22 Panama City, FL
In the remote event that weather conditions are better to the east of you, we hope to be cruising around Carabelle this weekend. :wink3:

My wife wants to meet some other sailors. While I am perfectly content working on my projects she thrives on the more social aspects. Hopefully we can find the opportunity to introduce our spouses and do some cruising.



Aug 18, 2015
Catalina 22 Panama City, FL
I have an opportunity to purchase a cruiseair carry on air conditioner for $100. Needs a skirt which is no longer available. Have you guys used one of these for shore cooling?

I also finally pulled the trigger on a trailer. Aluminum dual axle used for $1100. It's a little drive away but it gets me mobile. This trailer was on a 26' boat so it's pretty robust with integral front boarding ladder.

I had missed a lighter galvanized one in Atlanta for $800. A new galvanized was going to run $2700 plus tax.

With the trailer acquisition the package is now complete.

Sep 30, 2013
1988 Catalina 22 North Florida

My wife wants to meet some other sailors. While I am perfectly content working on my projects she thrives on the more social aspects. Hopefully we can find the opportunity to introduce our spouses and do some cruising.

I'll look forward to it, Lane!

Looks like Carrabelle is out for us this weekend, due to the wind direction being NE. This parallels the barrier islands, and makes for constant beating/running, not to mention a scarcity of good anchorages. Kinda takes the fun out of what is otherwise our favorite cruising area. Looks like we'll be sailing closer to home this weekend, and probably try for the panhandle again at Thanksgiving.

Leeward ... there's a big cold front coming through north Florida this weekend. Looks pretty miserable:

Sep 30, 2013
1988 Catalina 22 North Florida
I have an opportunity to purchase a cruiseair carry on air conditioner for $100. Needs a skirt which is no longer available. Have you guys used one of these for shore cooling?

I also finally pulled the trigger on a trailer. Aluminum dual axle used for $1100. It's a little drive away but it gets me mobile. This trailer was on a 26' boat so it's pretty robust with integral front boarding ladder.

I had missed a lighter galvanized one in Atlanta for $800. A new galvanized was going to run $2700 plus tax.

With the trailer acquisition the package is now complete.

Last summer, I bought the smallest window unit AC I could find, a little 5,000 BTU Frigidaire. I made a skirt for it and got it all worked out where it will sit on the foredeck and blow in through the forward hatch. It works great in the driveway, but I have yet to use it in the real world. I expect it will do just as well there.

Congrats on the new trailer! Pics are mandatory, ya know!!
Mar 20, 2015
C&C 30 Mk1 Winnipeg
Leeward ... there's a big cold front coming through north Florida this weekend. Looks pretty miserable:

Oh jeeze man, that sucks.. 83 and Sunny and 9 mph ? I don't know how you can cope. The next thing you'll tell me is that you're forced to sail with some young redhead coeds. hehe

bushav: Sounds like a good deal on the trailer. I agree with Gene.. where's the pics ?


Aug 18, 2015
Catalina 22 Panama City, FL
We are planning on setting our sails tomorrow night. Leave Panama City about 10 pm for off shore (close) sail to Destin. Return Saturday/Sunday using intercostal if high wind prediction holds. Off shore if conditions permit.

You more experienced guys look at the forecast for me and weigh in.



Aug 18, 2015
Catalina 22 Panama City, FL
Lee and I loosened the ropes and set out at 22:45 this evening. She is now asleep in the cabin. It's 02:15 Friday morning. 35 miles or so to go to Destin. We are making 3.5 knots with sails up and motor at 1/3 throttle. Winds are so light they wouldn't blow a match out.

Seas are flat and it's a beautiful night. I have my SPOT tracking us.

Due into Destin around noon. Oops, back to the tiller. My rope isn't such a great autopilot.



Aug 18, 2015
Catalina 22 Panama City, FL
Half way there. 4 knots speed. Perfect conditions. Sun rising. Lee asleep in berth.


Aug 18, 2015
Catalina 22 Panama City, FL
Good morning to you! Ayyyy Destin off the bow. 4.6 knots the last two hours. All hands on deck and coffee in the pot.

Dec 5, 2011
Catalina Catalina 22 13632 Phenix City
Sweet updates, keep 'em coming!! And pictures, we love pictures, and please remember to add them to the other thread about sailing withdrawl for our fellow member overseas.


Aug 18, 2015
Catalina 22 Panama City, FL
Just tied up in Destin. Using phone for updates so pics later.

Only four hours of good wind but perfect during those hours. Rest motor sailing and just motoring. Sea was as flat as a lake. We took 3 hour shifts through night and it went by fast. Destin cut was only obnoxious part. Opposing current and rollers. Little Tahotsu pulled through but it worked hard through the cut.

14 hours Marina to dock. 3 gallons fuel. Now it's time to pop a beer!

Sep 30, 2013
1988 Catalina 22 North Florida
What was that, about 60 miles?

I kinda thought your night might be a little still, based on the forecast. Plus a large easterly component to the wind, to make matters worse. What were you running, maybe broad reaching? Looks like you might just get a sweet beam reach on the return leg!


Aug 18, 2015
Catalina 22 Panama City, FL
Ok, nap over and waiting on my etoufee so I will try to post some pics.

We left Bainbridge after work and got to our slip at 9 pm. Loosed the knots at 22:45. It took 1 hr and fifteen to clear the jetties and turn to a 300 degree heading which we held until noon Friday. Of course no one could sleep initially but about midnight Lee turned in for a 1:30 nap. Waking refreshed she relieved me at 2:45 am. She remained at the helm until waking me due to a fresh breeze at 5:45 am. So until this point it's motor sailing with only the main out. I quickly realized we had a breeze picking up on the starboard beam and set the jib accordingly. Skipper on the IPad showed 4.6 knots made good so I stowed the Tahotsu for a much deserved break. Love that outboard. Money well spent.

Lee retired to the "owners cabin" and crashed. At 6:45 under perfect conditions I watched the sun rise over the stern.

Lee awoke at 9 am and the wind ceased at 9:45. We motored down the beach for the next two hours. After fighting an unfavorable tide in the Destin cut we saw Disneyland.

Motored through the harbor and tied up at a relatives house.
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Aug 18, 2015
Catalina 22 Panama City, FL
Too darn challenging. Turned around and using intercostal.



Aug 18, 2015
Catalina 22 Panama City, FL
4 knots across the bay with reefed sails. 5 knots when we were close hauled. Approaching 331 bridge where we will bed down. It's 10 pm.



Aug 18, 2015
Catalina 22 Panama City, FL
On the move. Beautiful morning on the intercoastal. We swung wildly on the anchor at the mouth of the intercoastal. I was apprehensive about entering the ditch in the dark. In hindsight we were 1/4 mile from beautiful calm waters.
