New Hunter 19-2 update

May 26, 2021
Hunter H19-2 Cary, NC
Hey Everyone, Can anyone give me a hand with this. I have a hunter 19-2 and the last boat owner did some mods.
Can anyone post a pic of how the system is setup to lower the keel ? I will post a pic when I can. The last owner
did some crazy setup that is not right at all. I am unable to lower the keel. Maybe its me but there is no real pic of this on the interwebs.

Jan 17, 2021
Hunter 19-2 Austin
The keel drops by gravity. That pulley system is mainly to raise it. If it doesn’t drop, something is binding. Either the line is wore out and binding, or something else is binding. Mine did not go down either. In my case, someone replaced the big stainless steel bolt that holds the keel assembly to the bottom of the boat with a bolt that was too long. if that bolt is too long, it won’t let the keel drop. I ended up taking it out and cutting it. Also if the line was replaced with a bigger size line, it will also cause it to bind. The only way to check the operation of it is to either raise the boat off the ground, or put it in the water and go under it by holding your breath. Next time I go to my boat, I’ll take a picture of those pulleys for you.
Feb 27, 2004
SunTracker 18 DLX PartyBarge Hoover Reservoir - Columbus OH
These are about the best images I could find of the uphaul setup. Hope it gives you a better idea of how to lay it out.
May 26, 2021
Hunter H19-2 Cary, NC
Hey thank for the reply. He has knots in some areas that are preventing me from lowering it. Its like its locked so it cannot lower.
Really weird setup. Should be a no brainer to lower. I finally got her on the water after 8 months. The Keel was the only thing that
we never tested. Was a day of just motoring around on the water. Oh well. At least she floats! lol
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
First go the H19 manual and look at the centerboard control system. Go to boat information/hunter resources/h-19 1993-1996/downloads/owners manual. Review it.
Then look at replacing the centerboard line under H-26 using the same procedure but under the 26. Familiarize yourself.

Then take a photo of the centerboard line from the cockpit and post it here. Then we can go from there.
May 26, 2021
Hunter H19-2 Cary, NC
Thanks for the pics and advice everyone. I have my boat on the trailer now and was able to untie some knots. This is what I have now in the pic. Question I have is how much slack is taken up from the line when the Keel is full extended. about say 2 feet of line ?



Dec 20, 2020
Prindle 16' Corrotoman River, VA
Sorry I don't know the length on the 19. However I think the line routing isn't 100% yet. Looks like the centerboard line ends in the Jib jammer. (see page 56 Item 16 is the port jib jammer and the similar one on the other side is the starboard jammer). There looks like an extra jammer on the deck of your boat to the right of the Jib Jammer, for a roller furler? Item 30 is the centerboard eye and 29 is the centerboard Jam. If it were me i'd route the line through the last block the opposite way (or flip the block over) and then to the jammer (29).
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