Its funny Friday!

Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
I'm reminded of a time when I owned a business where large crates came in from time to time that were only to be lifted with a fork lift from one particular side, so on the cardboard covering was printed in large lettering "do not fork from this side". the temptation was just to much for one of my employees to cut out the sign just the right size to then tape on the tailgate of our female delivery drivers truck and send her across town down the main drag. apparently it took her quite a wile to figure out why so many cars were honking at her, waving and grinning from ear to ear........ awww good times :laugh::laugh:
Many decades ago a woman wrote in Reader's Digest that she and her lady friend borrowed her husband's company pickup to transport a mattress from one home to another. Truck was a stepside -- narrow bed -- and the mattress was wide, so it went in diagonally. Same thing: lots of honks, waves, laugher. Didn't understand it until they started to unload and saw on the tailgate of the automotive garage's pickup "WE GIVE ROAD SERVICE."


Dec 15, 2006
Catalina 310 44 Campbell River BC
Years ago I on the VHF a Mayday was called. The caller stated that his motor died and was going into the rocks. The coast guard asked what type of craft it was and the reply was a sail boat. As the wind were 15-20 kts the coast guard said why not put your sails up and sail away from the rocks. His reply was my wife said its too windy we need a tow.
Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
Years ago I on the VHF a Mayday was called. The caller stated that his motor died and was going into the rocks. The coast guard asked what type of craft it was and the reply was a sail boat. As the wind were 15-20 kts the coast guard said why not put your sails up and sail away from the rocks. His reply was my wife said its too windy we need a tow.
That must be the guy who called 911 to report that someone stole his weed.
Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
Somewhere, someone hasn't heard this yet:

Oh, what a strange bird is the pelican!
His beak can hold more than his belly can.
He can hold in his beak
Enough food for a week
And I don't know how the hell he can!
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
When I was a kid living aboard, my parents signed my two brothers and me up for the Calvert Correspondence School of classes K thru 12, to home school us while we were out of school sailing to Maine from Florida. One assignment was to pick a poem and memorize it to recite back to our parents. I picked, Sea Fever, by John Masefield, my younger brother picked the poem A wonderful Bird is the Pelican, By Dixon Lanier Merritt. We all sat in the cockpit of Sunflower and recited our poems. It was while sitting at anchor somewhere off Hilton Head or Beaufort S.C. That was in 1977, I was 14, my younger brother was 12.

That brings back some sweet memories. Thanks Urban Hermit.

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Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
Will, I live to serve. But -- thank you for letting me know I brought a little glow into someone's life. Nice feeling for me, too. (Is there more to that "poem"?)
Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
No. It's described as a limerick.

One of my favorite limericks goes,

As a beauty, I am not a star.
There are others more handsome by far.
but my face, I don't mind it,
for I am behind it.
It's those out in front get the jar.
-Anthony Euwer
