Its funny Friday!


Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
More Funny signs

View attachment 227025

I'm reminded of a time when I owned a business where large crates came in from time to time that were only to be lifted with a fork lift from one particular side, so on the cardboard covering was printed in large lettering "do not fork from this side". the temptation was just to much for one of my employees to cut out the sign just the right size to then tape on the tailgate of our female delivery drivers truck and send her across town down the main drag. apparently it took her quite a wile to figure out why so many cars were honking at her, waving and grinning from ear to ear........ awww good times :laugh::laugh:


Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
.................................. to be followed by about 6 months of incarceration for sexual harassment. Yipes.
haha. she had a good natured laugh at it also. this was back in the day these things could be seen as the humor they truly were without "offending" anyone.
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Likes: jssailem
Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
So, that inspires a story. A number of sailers in our group took a gal out who is known to be fun company but not that knowledgeable about sailing. But she knows wine and always brings a supply. Anyway one evening she announced that her dear aunt was going to visit. Problem was our gal had BS'ed her way into her aunt thinking she was a sailer. She, of course, enjoyed Wednesday nights but knew little of sailing. So we were tasked with her orientation and quickly. We got her to know bow and stern, starboard and port, halyards and sheets. But that was about it before the fog of wine took over.
Sometimes you have to live with your own BS.
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Likes: Will Gilmore
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
So, that inspires a story. A number of sailers in our group took a gal out who is known to be fun company but not that knowledgeable about sailing. But she knows wine and always brings a supply. Anyway one evening she announced that her dear aunt was going to visit. Problem was our gal had BS'ed her way into her aunt thinking she was a sailer. She, of course, enjoyed Wednesday nights but knew little of sailing. So we were tasked with her orientation and quickly. We got her to know bow and stern, starboard and port, halyards and sheets. But that was about it before the fog of wine took over.
Sometimes you have to live with your own BS.
The truth is always easier to remember, even under the influence! ;)
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Likes: Will Gilmore
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
So, that inspires a story. A number of sailers in our group took a gal out who is known to be fun company but not that knowledgeable about sailing. But she knows wine and always brings a supply. Anyway one evening she announced that her dear aunt was going to visit. Problem was our gal had BS'ed her way into her aunt thinking she was a sailer. She, of course, enjoyed Wednesday nights but knew little of sailing. So we were tasked with her orientation and quickly. We got her to know bow and stern, starboard and port, halyards and sheets. But that was about it before the fog of wine took over.
Sometimes you have to live with your own BS.
What really have her away was the way she spelled sailer. :wink:

Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
*Deletes comment about spelling*
What? Is that not something we do anymore? Most of the misspellings are a result of that pesky spellchecker,

really have her away
Should have been "gave", but alas, spellcheck snuck in without my catching it.

Anyhow, we sailors love teasing each other about Grammer, spelling, etc.

But, if @shemandr wishes it deleted, consider it done. I have the greatest respect for all the sailboat owners on here, most especially the regular posters like shemandr. We're all friends.

Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
What? Is that not something we do anymore? Most of the misspellings are a result of that pesky spellchecker,

Should have been "gave", but alas, spellcheck snuck in without my catching it.

Anyhow, we sailors love teasing each other about Grammer, spelling, etc.

But, if @shemandr wishes it deleted, consider it done. I have the greatest respect for all the sailboat owners on here, most especially the regular posters like shemandr. We're all friends.

"Grammar" ;)
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