Not another anchor discussion!I'm not sure a Danforth style anchor is the best choice for this application. The image indicates a fisherman but I would be tempted to go with a Manson or Rocna with high tip loading for the hard surface
Somebody has to.Justsomeguy had to be thatguy?!
Even if they don't always know what the word should bethey ALWAYS know what the word is.
I met a real, honest to goodness, pirate once. He had the whole thing, eye patch, hook for a hand and peg leg. I mean salty, 'ARG!' Kind of pirate. This was at Foxy's in Jost Van Dyke. So, after telling me about how Jost Van Dyke got its name, I asked him, "Not to be rude, but do you mind telling me how'd you loose your leg?"
"Argg!" He said (he actually said "Argg")
"We was takin' a prize galleon off a Madagascar, when I got me leg crushed between our two ships, now. But I kept a fight'n and have 'em what for."
"Sounds dangerous. You must have been scared." I said.
"Nay," says he, "not nearly as when I lost me hand."
"Oh?" I prompted.
"Argg! I was facin' off against the notorious Black Bart, in a duel, like. I tried to faint with me left and Ol' Bart chopped me hand right off. Thought I was a goner fir sure."
"But you got away!"
"Bart let me go. Said I was the best match he'd ever been in. Had his smith wrought me up this here hook to replace me hand."
He was silent as he lifted his grog for a few more gulps.
"Well, ah... sir... what about the eye?"
"Sea gull got me the very next day. He flew overhead and I looked up."
Surprised at that, I asked, "You lost your eye from sea gull poop?"
"Well," he says, "it were me first day with the hook."
-Will (Dragonfly)
Ok. My pirate friend in Foxy's was telling me that his great great grand pappy was the first pirate to land on Jost Van Dyke and was actually the one who gave the island its name. Fresh from plundering a very rich treasure ship, the Dutch pirate crew was looking for a place to put in for some R and R. Somewhere they could spend their booty on booze and women and debauchery of every kind. Well, they came across this uncharted island and set anchor right off the beach where Foxy's is located today. They decided to send one pirate ashore to recon for the women they so desired. My friend's great great grand pappy was selected by lot and set off by himself, in one of the longboats, first thing in the morning.
He was gone through lunch and the crew started to grumble. He was gone till almost supper and the crew grumbled even more. They were sure their fellow pirate had found his women and was just being selfish by not returning to report. They were just about to send out a second group to round him and the women up when they spotted him limping to the longboat and slowly, painfully push-off into the surf. They waited impatiently for him to slowly, ever so slowly, row closer and closer to the ship. He was finally within hailing distance and they could see that he was a mess. His shirt was half ripped off, his hat was missing, left eye was swollen shut, his fat lip split twice, bruises dotted his face and neck, teeth missing that hadn't been missing before. Even some of his hair had been pulled out. Ever the selfish pirates, they ignored all that and yell down, "ARE DERE ANY VIMMEN ON DA ISLAND?"
The half defeated pirate looked painfully up at the expectant crew all leaning over the gunnel to hear the answer. The poor sailor gathered all his remaining strength and shouted, "JOST VAN DYKE"
-Will (Dragonfly)