Its funny Friday!

Oct 29, 2016
Hunter 41 DS Port Huron
A doctor, a dentist and a lawyer were in a boat together when a wave came along and washed them all overboard.
Unable to get back into the boat, they decided two would hold on to the boat and the third would swim to shore for help.
They noticed that there were hundreds of sharks between them and land.
Without a word the lawyer took off! As he swam the sharks move aside.
The dentist yelled, “It’s a miracle!”

“No”, said the doctor, “That’s professional courtesy!” badabum
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Jun 4, 2009
Pearson 530 Admiralty Bay, Bequia SVG
I hear that modern nautical engineers are now recommending that boats no longer be named using feminine names but instead the names should be masculine. That way the boat has more boy-ancy.
Feb 6, 2013
Hunter 31 Deale, MD
A man was having a drink alone in a bar when he overheard three rather large ladies talking at the next table. After a few minutes he turned and said
"Please excuse me, I couldn't help but notice your accents. Are you three ladies from England?"
One of them replied, "It's Wales, you idiot!"
To which he replied, "I'm so sorry. Are you three whales from England?"


Jul 31, 2010
AquaCat 12.5 17342 Wateree Lake, SC
A man was having a drink alone in a bar when he overheard three rather large ladies talking at the next table. After a few minutes he turned and said
"Please excuse me, I couldn't help but notice your accents. Are you three ladies from England?"
One of them replied, "It's Wales, you idiot!"
To which he replied, "I'm so sorry. Are you three whales from England?"
I know a Welchman who would *LOVE* this one. (And if he doesn’t, well, he’s a Welchman after all.)
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
We're not saying the Welsh are tight, but...

Jones the farmer and his son Berwyn sign up for a sight-seeing tour in a small catamaran sailboat. As always, Jones angles for the best deal possible.

“Very well, Mr Jones,” says the captain. “If you can go through the entire sail without making a sound, you and Berwyn can have your tickets for free.” So the sailboat shoves off, the winds is blowing 35 knots and the captain makes sure it’s a rough one, he angles for a hard beam reach, flying one pontoon under the Severn Bridge, he hits choppy power boat wakes, tries following seas then beats hard head on into steep surf at the pass. He even sails straight into the slip at the end with a hair raising stop at the end of his spring line. Jones says nothing. After they make fast at the dock, the captain turns to Jones in disbelief.

“Mr Jones, I’ve been doing this for 20 years and no-one’s ever been able to hold back from screaming. Tell me, was there ever a point on the cruise where you wanted to say something?”

“Aye,” Jones replies. “When Berwyn fell overboard."

-Will (Dragonfly)
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH

Reminds me of a French condom commercial I saw.
I don't know, but I'm guessing that this commercial was banned after the French government discovered hospital OB department's were closing down due to a steep drop in customers.

-Will (Dragonfly)
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