Its funny Friday!


Jun 4, 2009
Pearson 530 Admiralty Bay, Bequia SVG
@capta when you "un peu? I took that as your French was just a little, missing the meaning that he French are just a little crazy.........:shhh:
I guess it didn't come through, but I meant that perhaps they were a bit more than un peu. It was a silly joke, so don't all you Francophiles jump down my throat. Some of my best friends are French.
Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
I guess it didn't come through, but I meant that perhaps they were a bit more than un peu. It was a silly joke, so don't all you Francophiles jump down my throat. Some of my best friends are French.
We gotcha...;)
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Sing it with me fellas.....

When your....
Down by the sea
and an eel bites your knee
.... that's a moray :snooty:
The whole song...
when you're diving at night, and your feet feel the bite,
that's a moray
when your hand's in the cave, suddenly you'll need saved,
that's a moray
when you blubber and scream, but you have a bad dream
that's amore
when he hits all your fingers, with teeth that are stingers,
a moray...

that's a moray that's a moray

little fella

when he bites on your thumb, takes a chunk of your bum,
that's a moray
when you reach in his cave, he's all bravo and brave
he's a moray

and it's not how it feels, and you know you have eels,
that's a moray....
scuzza me, but you see, let them be, or you'll see
lotsa morays.......
Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston

On a separate note, I was sailing in the fog earlier this summer and through it I saw what I thought was another boat just off of my starboard shroud. I wanted to fend off...

So I reached through the fog but I mist. :tongue:
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Jun 4, 2009
Pearson 530 Admiralty Bay, Bequia SVG
Way off subject, but for those of you who dive or snorkel, if you are lobster hunting, morays love to share the hole with a lobster. So, if you see both antennas waving about outside his hole, it is cool to stick your hand in and grab him.
However, if one antenna is out and the other not, you can be fairly certain he is using his second antenna to keep track of the moray. Best not to try to grab that lobster!
Sorry to go off topic, but I hope some of you can use this.
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
There was a wealthy ship's captain in Mystic once. He'd made a fortune, not only whaling, but importing expensive and hard to find goods from Europe. On one of his trips he'd acquired a tower clock that had been salvaged from an old town square in Germany. The clock had been known at the Oldman, by the locals and was very valuable. He brought the Oldman home for a very important buyer, but the captain kind of fell in love with the clock so he didn't sell it. Instead, he'd made a gift of the clock to his wife for their 20th anniversary. They had it installed in their house just below the widow's walk on the roof. This way his bride could watch for his return from sea and know what time it was by the tick tock of the elaborate mechanism.
As it turned out, the clock wouldn't tolk. It would tick, but never did it tock.
This vexed the captain and his wife, so on his next sailing trip to Europe, he hired a famed German clock maker to return with him to fix the clock.
After the clock maker inspected the mechanism, he found nothing wrong. Standing out on the beach in front of the captain's house he watched the clock. "Tick ... tick ... tick ..." narry a tock was heard.
In a fit, determined that the clock would not get the best of him, the German clock maker shook his fist at the clock and yelled, "Ve haff vays of making ju tock, Oldman!"

-Will (Dragonfly)
Oct 3, 2011
Anam Cara Catalina 310 Hull #155 155 Lake Erie/Catawba Island
Will, That was REALLY bad,
But Love the thread!
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
Will, That was REALLY bad,
But Love the thread!
I love the thread too. I also love getting feed back. I always thought it was a cute joke. I guess not a good joke, though. Maybe it's my delivery.
Funny thing is, I can remember watching the movie that I thought that line was from, but the Internet says it was a different movie. I can not find the one I thought I remembered, brought light, wooden chair. I also picture Major Hochstetter saying it to Hogan.

-Will (Dragonfly)


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Maybe it's my delivery

The first thing they teach in Joke School...........

Timing. And projection to the back row.... but really

Timing is almost everything.....

Yes that is what I remember....
But the class was on line and I had to pay for it...