Its funny Friday!

Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
I once heard a story about Silent Cal. One Sunday, Silent Cal went to church, but his wife had to stay home. When he got back, she had made lunch and was waiting to hear all about what the preacher had said.

She directed her husband to set the table, then they sat down to eat. As you can imagine. Meal time was not a ball of fire in the Coolige family. Silverware clinked on china, the sound of quiet munching and the occasional thunk of a glass being set back down on the table was mostly what was heard.

Finally, not wanting to wait any longer for Calvin to tell her about church, she asked, "So, how was church?"

"Good." Was the simple reply.

"Well, what did the preacher talk about?" She prompted.

"Sinnin'" was the answer.

Calvin's wife waited a moment for elaboration, but none was forthcoming.

"What did the preacher have to say about sinning?"

Silent Cal scooped up another bite and just before taking the bite, he said, "He were against it."
