I recently purchased my first sailboat, an old O'day Day Sailer II that needs some work. My biggest concern at the moment is the inner hull containing moisture. The boat had been trailered for almost 20 years by the previous owner, and I have yet to sail it. On inspection of the inside of the hull over a period of a few months I noticed that there were several moisture stains and sometimes what seemed to be water inside of the hull. There is a large amount of salt-like material as well. After some research I concluded that this is most likely some sort of hygroscopic bi-product of the fiberglass resin, but I'm not sure. There are no signs of blisters, but I need to remove the moisture and the salty-material. I attached a photo of all of this.
Any suggestions on how to best do that? How should I proceed to avoid further damage?
Any suggestions on how to best do that? How should I proceed to avoid further damage?