Hurricane Mathew put my boat on the hard.. What do I do?


Aug 9, 2011
Beneteau 310 Cheney KS (Wichita)
Off the wall thought. Not clear how far you are from "water". But, you ever spill water on one of those plastic/lexan floor mats are used on carpet in the office for the office chair to roll on? Slicker than snot. Wonder if you could use some of those to make a path from the dry to the marsh, wet or vegetable oil them down and drag the boat across it? Kind of like the plywood idea to spread the load out but slicker. Just a thought.
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Aug 3, 2012
Performance Cruising Telstar 28 302 Watkins Glen
I think his friend will get it off the beach with the trawler. He needs a bigger rope!
Apr 22, 2011
Hunter 27 Pecan Grove, Oriental, NC
Two anchors, two come-alongs.. Pull bow till mast is pointing to where ya want to go.. second come along on stern.. pull stern 6-8 feet, then pull bow 6-8 feet; walk it (leaving both pullers attached) with keel behind (it won't dig in since you are pulling away from it.. you'll have to reset the anchors a few times as you slowly go toward where the mast is pointing. Sliding on the grass will keep the hull from sticking .. You should be able to walk the boat to where the guy with the big boat will be OK with pulling it to deep water.. Not easy but will work.
I like kloudie1 idea. You will need two fairly large danforth type anchors (inexpensive at a marine resaler store) and two of these:
25' of dyneema winch cable: The cable is very low stretch and stronger than the winch. Weakest link would probably be the anchors. It's something one person can do that has lots of time on his hands until the next high tide.
Nov 30, 2015
Hunter 1978 H30 Cherubini, Treman Marina, Ithaca, NY
Hey Y'all and END80, how's it going down there in Savannah?

Looks like some high tidal action (near 10') showing up mornings between 12/12 and 12/15 from 7:00am until 9:30am. Might be a good opportunity to make a move.
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Oct 30, 2015
Grampian 26 Tybee Island GA
Anyway, no, boat situation not progressed.. Tried the anchor/chainhoist pull method without success, just couldn't get it to hold. Yes in the middle of the month shows good tides and providing that Edwin doesn't back out, we are suppose to give it another pull(s) during those high tides.
I pulled up a recent satellite view and was shocked by what it showed.. It doesn't show a timestamp, but I assume this must of been from a very low tide.. it really does not appear this extreme when you're here, but nevertheless, it does help to emphasize why it's not been so simple a project to get moved..
That little white thing that looks like it could be sailboat.. well that's mine
Again, this view really looks to be overemphasizing the distance to me


Oct 30, 2015
Grampian 26 Tybee Island GA
Actually that can't be right.. it's too big and the location is wrong.. Mine is somewhere in this area, closer to the trees, as showed in this zoomed in area..


Oct 30, 2015
Grampian 26 Tybee Island GA
OK.. Sorry, Let me clarify this by drawing on it.
The blue indicates the water line at about a 7ft tide. The green line shows the path I take to enter in my inflatable dinghy, and the red circle shows the approximant location of my boat.
Mar 28, 2011
Hunter 23.5 Lake Telico
Check out Google Earth coordinates 31° 59.457'N 80° 51.517'W. Looks like that could be a sailboat and the location and orientation looks about right.
Aug 3, 2012
Performance Cruising Telstar 28 302 Watkins Glen
I think that is a sailboat in your Zoom Earth picture, just not yours. It is a larger boat, I think. I think the mast appears in the photo.
Your boat is visible where you say it is on Google Earth. Interestingly, the other boat is gone.


Oct 30, 2015
Grampian 26 Tybee Island GA
Well, there was another boat a boat still on the hard a month ago on the island somewhere, about a 41ft if I'm correct.. Jay told me about it.. Story goes that he paid about $1500 on a towboat to pull it, but it was unsuccessful, so he went through his insurance and had it airlifted out, he then brought it back to the dock.. Evidently a scupper broke or something, and the next morning it was sunk!
The insurance classified it a total loss, but he had it raised back up and now he's trying to buy it back from the insurance company (???), or something to that effect.

However, there has been no boat in the area shown in the satellite view, I would have seen it.. That's why at first I thought it was mine --I don't know what that was, I'm actually puzzled by it.
I've been over there two or three times a week for the last couple months and never saw anything else out there.
..except for kayaks


Oct 30, 2015
Grampian 26 Tybee Island GA
Would you post a screenshot of it in google earth? I'd like to see that view. All I have on hand right now is a Surface RT tablet and apparently it doesn't properly work with google earth
Nov 30, 2015
Hunter 1978 H30 Cherubini, Treman Marina, Ithaca, NY
The Google Earth images are available only as far back as August, they have not been updated since then. Your boat and hurricane impacts would not be visible from that time frame. There is however a kayak in the Google Earth image at the corrdinates posted above. I think I see your boat on Zoom Earth at these coordinates: 31° 59' 28.4" N 80° 51' 30.68" W.
Mar 11, 2015
Hunter 33.5 Tacoma, WA
Tried the anchor/chainhoist pull method without success, just couldn't get it to hold.
Just curious. What size anchor, and did you pre-dig a hole for the anchor? What if you used 2 anchors?


Oct 30, 2015
Grampian 26 Tybee Island GA
Just one 22lb delta anchor, which I beat in with a hammer, but did not dig a hole. I had two anchors as my per my original plan, but shouldn't have brought them to the boat, cause along with several other small items was stolen.
Quite frankly, I am flying by the seat of my pants at this point.. Over this past summer I gradually spent on items preparing the boat as a live aboard for this winter -- thinking it would save money!-- solar panels, electrical solar generator, stove/oven, gps, fans, lighting, pumps, shower, long range WiFi, heater, 12v TV, deck wash.. and more stuff, just stuff - to make me comfortable for the winter.. and all this grand totaled substantially higher than I would have expected.. Normally that money would have gone to rent and electric to last through winter till next summer when I have work again.

Point is.. I can't just buy the stuff I need to do this, not even the most basic crap anymore - cash gone. I'm not even living in an apartment anymore.. I'm staying in a tiny store front I rented to open a concession in next summer, because it's cheap.

I'm frustrated and discouraged, so am counting on simply again trying on getting it dragged out of there with Edwin's big boat, scratching up my hull or not.
I just see no other option or hope anymore.
Coast guard, core of engineers, DNR, FEMA, SeaTow.. I've conversed with all of them on this matter, but it was useless.

As pointed out to me several times in this forum; I was a fool not to have had insurance.
Well, rest assured, I've learned my lesson.
I don't know what the final conclusion of this will be, but promise to let you all know.
Mar 11, 2015
Hunter 33.5 Tacoma, WA
Just one 22lb delta anchor, which I beat in with a hammer, but did not dig a hole.
Well, I'm assuming that you just placed the anchor in the ground, and using a come a long, tried to replicate pulling the boat using the trawler. As mentioned earlier, you really have to get the boat on a plywood platform first, and attach the come a long to the plywood. If I was in the area, I'd certainly give you a hand.
Nov 6, 2006
Hunter 34 Mandeville Louisiana
Sorry to hear that the anchor could not be made to hold.. Were you able to rotate the boat ?


Jan 4, 2009
Ketch 55 Bristol, RI
I'm sure this is discouraging but don't give up yet. Mud is "sticky" not "slippery". There's just too much friction. You need to get some wood to make a road (or rails). Grease the wood with big gobs of waterproof bearing grease - it's cheap. Boats have been launched for hundreds of years on greased rails. It will be easier to work at low tide when the wood doesn't sink into the mud so much. Once you get 50-100ft, the powerboat will have a much better chance of pulling you off at high tide.


Oct 30, 2015
Grampian 26 Tybee Island GA
CarIN, It's all hard ground, even when there is over a foot of standing water over it, the mud will only be maybe 1 inch deep. That's what I tried to explain before, you could easily drive a car over it, it's that hard.

At the present moment I don't know if Edwin will come through with his boat for another pull for this spring tide.. I talked to him this morning again and he just said: "I'll let you know, if not, we can do it this spring."

The other day I talked to one of the predominate city workers here.. he's been a main man for about 20 years there, I asked if perhaps the city could be of assistance, he said no they can't be involved with anything like that, but said he would check around that he knows see people from the MRS.. or MSR or some thing, and maybe something might be able to be arranged.. But it sounds to me a lot like just talk.. I hear a lot of talk, if you know what I mean.

On the plus side, at least there was been no more instances of people messing with the boat.
I keep having dreams of getting it off when I'm asleep.