What are the true wind speeds and directions that you sail most of the time?
True wind is probably the first question; but if you're usually on reaches, the wind range is different.
Also variablity of the wind (usually the gusts govern) are a question.
Then there is the seastate -- if you have to sail through a bunch of chop while going upwind, the answer about what sails make the most sense is different.
I have NEVER been a fan of partially furling a jib and sailing much. I've done it when on a reach, and occasitionally in VERY strong winds, off the wind. But generally, I either put the main away or the jib. I'll reef the main twice before I put the jib away. But then, excluding a storm jib and a trisail, I have three sails: a very big main (with two deep reefs), a 100% jib, and an about 2,000 SF asymmetric spinnaker. I happen to have a very easily driven hull, with a very large rudder, and 7'4" spade keel. I don't know your boat and hull.