Help with Catalina 25 Rudder Repair

Mar 21, 2024
Skeeter 185 Clinton
I'm working on a new-to-me 1989 Catalina 25. It's a trailerable sailboat with a keel hung rudder. I have a couple of issues and would appreciate some guidance/wisdom.

(1) The fiberglass on the rudder has quite a few stress cracks that appear to be all the way thru the gelcoat. My plan is to grind/drill out the scratches and repair with filler and gelcoat...

(2) The bolt holes that attach the pintles to the rudder are wallered out and there appears to be some damage in those holes. My plan is to drill out, fill with epoxy, and re-drill hole...

(3) The Edson bracket that holders what I believe we call a tiller arm also has holes that appear to have damage. The backet itself appears to be mounted very securely with 3M 5200 but I can see that the inside of the holes in the fiberglass rudder are wallered out. My plan... I'm not sure as the backet is really, really on there. Not sure how I can get it off. However, I really think I should repair those wallered out bolt holes???

(4) The overall seam where the two halves of the rudder come together also appear to have damage - there are gaps, gouges, discloration, etc. My plan is to grind/drill out the scratches and repair with filler and gelcoat...

(5) The is a large 1/2" hole in the top outside of the rudder. Can someone please tell me what that hole is used for?

As always, thanks for the feedback, guidance, and wisdom.


Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
You're pretty much on the right track.

The tiller should have a bracket that sits on top of the rudder. Typically a bolt is used to secure the tiller and to allow it to pivot vertically (handy for getting it out of the way when entertaining in the cockpit).

Post some photos of the cracks you are concerned with. Large hi resolution images are best for the questions you are asking.

(3) The Edson bracket that holders what I believe we call a tiller arm also has holes that appear to have damage. The backet itself appears to be mounted very securely with 3M 5200 but I can see that the inside of the holes in the fiberglass rudder are wallered out. My plan... I'm not sure as the backet is really, really on there. Not sure how I can get it off. However, I really think I should repair those wallered out bolt holes???
A photo of the transom where this bracket is located would be helpful. There are some devices that connect the outboard to the rudder so the outboard pivots with the rudder. This bracket may be part of that system. An oscillating tool with a scraper blade can cut through the 5200. Afterwards there are a couple of products that loosen 5200's grip.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
My plan is to drill out, fill with epoxy, and re-drill hole
For holes larger than a 3/16th, I prefer to fill them with thickened epoxy. Epoxy is brittle and can crack. The thickening agent can help reduce the cracking. Check out the options from
mounted very securely with 3M 5200
Not sure how I can get it off.
There is a product, "DeBond" that helps to release the bond of 5200. Marine Formula™ - 5oz Aerosol
You might also try heat. It softens the adhesive and may permit you to slide a putty knife in and cut through the adhesive.
Large 1/2" hole
Can someone please tell me what that hole is used for?
The hole is on all their blades. It is designed to enable you to pull the rudder up as you approach the beach.

Happy sailing.