I ended up tapping the fuel tank. It didn't go great. The step bit caught and torqued the sheet metal. I bludgeoned it back into a semblance of flat. It took 2 tries to run the fuel line. The first attempt went up along the fuel fill, behind the galley and down into the space beneath the lazarette. Too much up as it turned out. I couldn't get the fuel to flow. So I undid about 90 minutes of work in 30 seconds and routed it beneath the floor.
The heater is installed in a cavity at the bottom of the lazarette designated as an optional water tank.
You might think this was a cookie sheet disguised as a heat shield. You'd be right.
I drilled holes for the heater output and input at each end, plus one for wiring and another for fuel. I also drilled a hole for the exhaust.
I wrapped the exhaust elbow with header tape (nasty stuff) and used a heavy sock for the rest. I insulated heavily due to the confined compartment.I also wrapped the output where it passes through the bulkhead. Didn't want any fiery surprises.
I put the skin fitting through the transom. I located it precisely and scientifically - it was the spot I could reach. Don't ask me what I'm going to do if the rudder post ever needs attention - there is no access without major disassembly of bulkheads and possibly more.
I used a stainless standoff to support the exhaust and keep it elevated above the bottom. It also hold the nasty header tape in place.
Pictures were also difficult. There is almost no room to move. Everything had to be assembled in the correct order, which could not be determined without trail and error. Some of the assembly was done blind and then verified with a mirror or phone.
All in all a difficult project, but the admiral is very happy with the result, and so am I. Given the level of difficulty I think the Webasto was the right choice. Though you can indeed purchase many Chinesium replicas for what the Webasto cost, I would not want to have to reinstall this again and hope that the extra money spent will be repaid in reliability.
I have a couple more picture to post tomorrow, but now it's time for