"Free boat " reflexsions, and realizations

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Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Stillraining, I found that it was easier to do the work

than to keep the records. Fortunately Nancy is wonderful at record keeping. Someone said that building a boat was simply doing a thousand small jobs very well. ;D


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Stillraining, I found that it was easier to do the work

than to keep the records. Fortunately Nancy is wonderful at record keeping. Someone said that building a boat was simply doing a thousand small jobs very well. ;D
Jul 24, 2006
Legnos, Starwind, Regal Mystic 30 cutter, 22 trailer sailor, bow rider NEW PORT RICHEY, FL
Log ?

I know ive been told to do spreadsheets, log, organize...Sorry, not gonna happen. The things that need doing are obvious, and many. As a Registered Nurse i have been trained at prioritizing. I do know that i need to "dry" the boat first-both from ingress thru the bottom, as well as rain from uptop. I don't want my new work to get wet-ever! Wow, what a nice pictorial and how to for thru hull fittings. Added it to my "favorites" list. Thanks for all the advice. Me, like Ross i guess, spend my time doing the work...i will keep a folder of sketches, reciepts, manuals, etc. Patrick
Jul 24, 2006
Legnos, Starwind, Regal Mystic 30 cutter, 22 trailer sailor, bow rider NEW PORT RICHEY, FL
Log ?

I know ive been told to do spreadsheets, log, organize...Sorry, not gonna happen. The things that need doing are obvious, and many. As a Registered Nurse i have been trained at prioritizing. I do know that i need to "dry" the boat first-both from ingress thru the bottom, as well as rain from uptop. I don't want my new work to get wet-ever! Wow, what a nice pictorial and how to for thru hull fittings. Added it to my "favorites" list. Thanks for all the advice. Me, like Ross i guess, spend my time doing the work...i will keep a folder of sketches, reciepts, manuals, etc. Patrick


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Patrick when I bought Bietzpadlin I bought a big spiral

bound sketch book That became my place for lists, sketches, product sheets pasted in. Nancy dealt with the receipts and they are in a folder of her making. The nice thing about a central place for your lists is that when you stop working for a little while and wonder "what's next?" you can pull the book out and check the list and check off the things you have done and get a nice feeling of progress. Some folk would have you doing as much recording as working. Don't neglect your records but don't become a slave to them either. Persist> ;D


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Patrick when I bought Bietzpadlin I bought a big spiral

bound sketch book That became my place for lists, sketches, product sheets pasted in. Nancy dealt with the receipts and they are in a folder of her making. The nice thing about a central place for your lists is that when you stop working for a little while and wonder "what's next?" you can pull the book out and check the list and check off the things you have done and get a nice feeling of progress. Some folk would have you doing as much recording as working. Don't neglect your records but don't become a slave to them either. Persist> ;D
Dec 8, 2007
Irwin 41 CC Ketch LaConner WA
Got a responce from Titian Marine

>>Hello Scott, we are working on Titanium Ball Valves/seacocks. Currently we're working to get the design simplified to keep the price as low as possible. Check our Website www.titanmarine.biz as they will appear as soon as available. There will be a slight galvanic issue with the bronze/titanium joining but by using the bonding wire technique with the bronze valve, the galvanic corrosion of the valve will be minimumized. The titanium will be unaffected, but still keep an eye on the valve and your zincs as always. Best regards and Happy New Year, Hugh Richards <<
Dec 8, 2007
Irwin 41 CC Ketch LaConner WA
Got a responce from Titian Marine

>>Hello Scott, we are working on Titanium Ball Valves/seacocks. Currently we're working to get the design simplified to keep the price as low as possible. Check our Website www.titanmarine.biz as they will appear as soon as available. There will be a slight galvanic issue with the bronze/titanium joining but by using the bonding wire technique with the bronze valve, the galvanic corrosion of the valve will be minimumized. The titanium will be unaffected, but still keep an eye on the valve and your zincs as always. Best regards and Happy New Year, Hugh Richards <<


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
One of the problems with Titanium is a tendency

to gall the threads in any fastener. So threaded pipe fitting might be subject to the same ills. You can always identify titanium by touching a high speed grinding wheel , the sparks are a brillant white.


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
One of the problems with Titanium is a tendency

to gall the threads in any fastener. So threaded pipe fitting might be subject to the same ills. You can always identify titanium by touching a high speed grinding wheel , the sparks are a brillant white.
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