Bob B.
Us Canadians don't shoot trespassers
much anymore, too messy. Not unless they are rustling eh. Running out of arrows. Just give em 3 heavy duty 6% Canadian beers eh. When they pass out, we call the RCMP guy who will arrive on a black horse & haul em away to the hoos-gow.You folks better be careful with what kind of weapons you develop with all that CO2, taser & instant freeze stuff. You know what happens when you stockpile WMD eh.On a more serious matter. The Molson/Coors merger might bring you some tasty beer or does the law limit the alcohol content.And on the bear snacking issue Rick, my daughter has a farm close to Peace River & there is a black bear hanging around their house. So far the dogs chase him away. Can't shoot him. The Fish & Wildlife Dept. frown on that. Bear steaks don't sound too appetizing but I hear the galbladders fetch a good price.When I was working I had the opportunity to visit a few Celanese Chemical/Fibers plants in Texas & the east coast. Good folks to work with.I would like to have some of your weather. We have a short sailing season. We have had some frost here although it was 22 degrees C a couple of days ago. Wouldn't enjoy your tornadoes. We had one in Edmtn killed 27 people. Nice talking to you eh, Bob B.
much anymore, too messy. Not unless they are rustling eh. Running out of arrows. Just give em 3 heavy duty 6% Canadian beers eh. When they pass out, we call the RCMP guy who will arrive on a black horse & haul em away to the hoos-gow.You folks better be careful with what kind of weapons you develop with all that CO2, taser & instant freeze stuff. You know what happens when you stockpile WMD eh.On a more serious matter. The Molson/Coors merger might bring you some tasty beer or does the law limit the alcohol content.And on the bear snacking issue Rick, my daughter has a farm close to Peace River & there is a black bear hanging around their house. So far the dogs chase him away. Can't shoot him. The Fish & Wildlife Dept. frown on that. Bear steaks don't sound too appetizing but I hear the galbladders fetch a good price.When I was working I had the opportunity to visit a few Celanese Chemical/Fibers plants in Texas & the east coast. Good folks to work with.I would like to have some of your weather. We have a short sailing season. We have had some frost here although it was 22 degrees C a couple of days ago. Wouldn't enjoy your tornadoes. We had one in Edmtn killed 27 people. Nice talking to you eh, Bob B.