fire extinguishers type / difference question

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Most extinguished CG approved

You're right. Even though mine was bought at a discount store and marketed for home owners, it is Coast Guard approved. Just needed to read the fine print. Thanks Rick Webb!
Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 23.5 Fort Walton Yacht Club, Florida
Happy to Help

Any of your local Coast Guard Auxiliary guys can help you with these sorts of questions. It is a little late in the season now but in the spring find one of them and get your free Vessel Exam. It generally takes less than twenty minutes helps to answer questions and while not a guarantee may prevent you from petting a spot check as they can see that you at one time asked for the check and were in compliance at that time.
Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 23.5 Fort Walton Yacht Club, Florida
I Hear You Patrick

What would the proper radio call be after shooting an intruder with a beer loaded air cannon? How do you say "Last Call" in french?
May 7, 2004
Hunter 38 Little River, SC
Vhf Knuckleheads armed with Fire Extinguishers

There seem to be at least three sometimes parallel threads running on this loom: the original post about red and white fire extinguishers, the Vhf Knuckleheads, and False may day calls. Phil, is there any way to combine the threads? Steve
Jun 7, 2004
Birch Bay Washington
Rick, it depends

on what color the fire extinguisher is. The brand of beer is important, too.
Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 23.5 Fort Walton Yacht Club, Florida
Just Looked at a Number of Extinguishers

Lowes had a big display of them. All said Coast Guard approved with approved mounting strap. The white ones are 10BC the red ones the same size are 1A, 10BC and four dollars cheaper. These were all the Kidde brand. Seems like the red one are the way to go.


Choice is as easy as ABC

Unless you're only using it as a backup, forget Halon. First of all, they're useles against electrical fires (remember the (on)fire truck?), and as another pointed out, they're only truly effective in confined spaces, not up on deck. Halon was designed for, believe it or not, food preparation, so that after putting out a REALLY well done steak, the gas disperses, with no residue to ruin the food. Another downside is, it's bad to breathe, and being invisible, hard to avoid. Same thing with Co2. ABC not only works on all types of fires, some have additives so that the dry chemical sticks to hot surfaces, preventing rekindling. Try knocking down a burning fuel spill with Halon, even on a calm day. ABC will lay on the surface, and keep the fire out. One down side, ABC is very corrosive, so clean up will need to be timely, and invasive. Try going to a local volunteer Fire Department, and asking if you can purchase several expinguishers of different sizes through them. You should also be ale to have them inspect and recharge them as well. Some Dept.s might even let you practice on a controlled fire with any partially discharged extinguishers they have.
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