Feline be gone!

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Mar 26, 2009
1976 formosa 41 yankee clipper santa barbara. ca.(not there)
if a cat does spray on something-- natures miracle after cleaning the item is the thing to use. the cat will never find the place he sprayed again.

and, yes, ross has it nailed--if you piss off a cat, they DO get even--they have an attitude about revenge--it is a dish best served cold.


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Zeehag, someday I will tell you about Gypsy's revenge.


Jun 9, 2004
Beneteau OC400 Long Beach, CA
I guess I have a different attitude about cats; I like to harass them and keep them on their toes as much as possible, but have paid a price for it. Many years ago I was writing a screenplay on an electric typewriter. The cat we had at the time hopped up onto my desk and took a dump right on the keys. Fortunately, it was a single firm turd. I had to admire the stones on him and we worked out a peace treaty.


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
LarryW that cat knew what you considered important and expressed his opinion of it and you.


Mar 26, 2009
1976 formosa 41 yankee clipper santa barbara. ca.(not there)
cats are smarter than we think they are---lol i found that out by watching my own cats--- the maine coons seem to have more ability to figger stuff out than most do-- bubby is trying to learn how to mow his 4 sq inches of lawn. sticks his face right in there when i cut with scissors. he has to know what i am doing and how it is done --he has always watched as i cook food-- he is able to learn tricks and stands watch well--just doesnt steer well. we working on that.....
ross--i would love to hear the gypsy revenge story!!!!
cats do place theiir offerings where they are most appreciated!--cat must have associated you and typng with some misadventure on your part-like not feeding soon enough or not doing something kat wanted NOW--lol--worse than 3 yr olds. mine bites me just to play----yipes. he also herds me to get his food if i am not speedy enough to meet his tastes .. mine is 16 1/2 pounds-- usually is polite---definitely large enough to get his point across...i am fortunate in that mine doesnt poo outside the pan..i had cats that would punish me for forgetting somethng they wanted/neeed by doing just that.
i like tormenting my cat also---is fun--they let ye know when enough is enough..LOL....


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Zeehag check your pm's


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
I am building a set of book cases starting with rough sawn poplar lumber. So far I have produced about 8 bushels of nice clean planer shavings which I dump out back for composting. This afternoon a semiferal cat was sleeping on/in them and seemed very content. When I cleaned up this afternoon I dumped another bushel of shavings on the pile. I fear the cat may decide that he has found a home, clean bedding every night and table scrapes on some nights. ;)


Mar 26, 2009
1976 formosa 41 yankee clipper santa barbara. ca.(not there)
I am building a set of book cases starting with rough sawn poplar lumber. So far I have produced about 8 bushels of nice clean planer shavings which I dump out back for composting. This afternoon a semiferal cat was sleeping on/in them and seemed very content. When I cleaned up this afternoon I dumped another bushel of shavings on the pile. I fear the cat may decide that he has found a home, clean bedding every night and table scrapes on some nights. ;)
he will keep any rats at bay , and he will keep moths and beetley bugs to a minimum....scare burdees so they dont awaken you too early in am, guard house for ye--might as well adopt him while you have a choice, ross....... could be a reincarnation of someone you used to know... a true gypsy.........they find you , ye know........is boy or gurlee?? what ye naming her/him????
LOL.... best get some kibbles for him/her. catch and neuter.. get shots... make friends......is yours now..LOL!!!!!

checked and answered, thankyou!!!!!!


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
No Names until he/she starts rubbing face on screen door. If it is smart I won't be able to neuter.
Oct 18, 2007
Macgregor 26S Lucama, NC
Zeehag, your Bubby at 16.5 lbs. is a good-sized fella. My Sylvester (guess what he looks like) weighs in at just over 20 lbs, but he is very loving (and a little demanding sometimes). My wife likes him because he has cured my snoring. I used to snore really loud whenever I rolled over onto my back. When Sylvester grew up, if I rolled onto my back, I would wake up with 20 lbs of cat sitting on my chest, wanting to be rubbed. It did not take long for me to develop an aversion to sleeping on my back- so no more snoring. I have COPD and sleep with an oxygen canula. It seems Sylvester like to chew on the plastic oxygen tubing, so I have to replace it fairly often. By the way, don't believe that a cat will always land on its feet. Several years ago I woke up just as Sylvester came walking between me and the side of the bed. Before I realized what was happening, he grabbed my oxygen hose in his teeth and jumped off the bed.
Unfortunately, he did not leave enough slack, and ran out of hose about halfway to the floor. The tubing flipped him upside down- 20 lbs of cat hitting the floor on his back sounds a lot like you dropped a bowling ball. The hose also nearly ripped my ears off, as I keep it wrapped behind my ears to keep it in place. Fortunately for both of us, he has not seen fit to repeat that little stunt. Aren't cats just wonderful? -Paul


Mar 26, 2009
1976 formosa 41 yankee clipper santa barbara. ca.(not there)
paul--sounds like sylvester is a maine coonmix--lol --they really have sense of humor---smart too---big huge heavy buddies. nope--also the clumsiest critters i have ever seen-- but they can really catch burdeez and hunt really well, and so fast!!!---bubby earned his real name when he was quite young--
captain dork e fuzzbutt

say it fast. vet laughs every time. for those who think i shoulda had a friend for bubby-- have ye ever heard elephants dancing on a deck?? is what one sounds like-- 2 would be a herd of elephants!!!! these are some funny critters!!

th oxygen hosing makes a hissing sound --he just trying to save ye from the hissing critter trying to killye.....
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