eye candy

Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
just like women, i prefer skinny boats, but that's just me :)
I think, just like boats, the skinny ones have more ballast hidden under the water, they rock and roll less and stay upright more ;).
I'm not saying anything about preferences, just a personal observation. I just like boats, skinny or wide. :p

-Will (Dragonfly)
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May 25, 2012
john alden caravelle 42 sturgeon bay, wis
no life lines, no dodgers, no biminis, no davets, no swim platforms, no barbecues, no gauge clusters, no TV's, no extra baggage, attract a different type of crew. just my own observation

i always sail with a crew to maximize my fun
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
Tradition is like the docklines on a boat. Good for holding the boat steady while loading supplies and prepping the rigging, but to sail on your own, you have to cast them off.

-Will ("the philosopher", Dragonfly)
May 25, 2012
john alden caravelle 42 sturgeon bay, wis
the implication is that if you sail a boat that is physically demanding only physically fit people will consider sailing with you as a fun thing to do and you prolly won't be filling the boat up with heavy loads that can't help and are always in the way.

today jackdaw showed pictures of the new racers at his club. they all looked mighty healthy. all the women that routinely sail with me have daily work outs in their life cause they enjoy being fit. i'm old and 'high mileage' yet i still try and get an hour workout in every day so i can still sail. shuffle dancing is really a workout routine. a boat that has no life lines and is sailed in all breezes needs good balance and strength to work the deck. those shuffle dancers might give it a try.
i'm old, i'm not allowed in front of the binnacle :) i sail with crews, and we love to push the boat. i like coed crews, even on the Ascow. they need to be fit or they are in the way.
you know of course that sailing daily is a great workout. some jobs keep you fit. other hobbies as well.

ps, this thead is called 'eye candy'